OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Four - "Yellow" DISCUSSION

Hey guys which one of these do you think would be a better entry into this comp? I can't decide!!




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No. 2 gets my vote. There's more to look at in No.1 but I think no. 2 just works better. One thing I would say is that they are a bit large, wont fit on my 19" TFT.
Mohain said:
One thing I would say is that they are a bit large, wont fit on my 19" TFT.

ooh yeh sorry i was viewing on my 21" CRT and they only just fit on that! Resized now :)

thanks for the opinion's guys, I'm kinda leaning towards the first but i'm not sure why! I tried to reshoot the second yesterday hoping to be able to get a bit higher. But unfortunatly there was nothing to stand on and there was a ceiling in the way :(
Is it just me or is it hard to truely say yellow? It feels like cheating using selective colouring. Its like you're forcing them to see the yellow rather than taking a picture of something that says yellow. However that is currently my best pic. My other alternative is a shot of Pikachu. There are some good pics this round but I'm finding it tough as "Yellow" isn't really inspiring me much. Coldplay hasn't helped either :)
Updated mine.

Still not happy, but have got time to change.

Dont know if i prefer my new entry or the Rose-Bud i had in there before.

Well i've entered the first one in the end. Unfortunatly i don't have my PC for the next few weeks so am unable to make it more yellow :(
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