OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Four - "Yellow" DISCUSSION

antc said:
Well, after having to have 2 rethinks due to the yellow pages and water lillies already being entered just as i was about to i have finally come up with something im quite pleased with.

some nice shots this round, think it may well be a tough call for the judges!
You must feel a right lemon posting a shot like that! :p

Only joking Ant :)
lowrider007 said:
Damm you :p , I was going to do a shot of the yellow pages in b&w my self :( ,not in quite in that style tho, was going to do a stack of them as my mum has loads of them. Back to the drawing board :)

I must admit that I was suprised no-one had done it yet. I didn't think it was *that* original an idea.
Joe T said:
You must feel a right lemon posting a shot like that! :p

Only joking Ant :)

Lol, I was sure someone was going to come out with that wisecrack!! :D
was one of the first few shots i have taken with the new lens.
all im hoping for is that it gets me an improvement on points again from the last round and i will be a happy man.
Ok changed my shot and might still change it before the deadline, as still not 100% happy with the shot i have now.

can someone tell me which is more likely to score higher please?


I forgot that you entered first with the shot of the taxi. I thought something was odd when flowers appeared as your photo!

I personally much prefer the original shot of the taxi. The eye is drawn to the front of the car, and the background is quite dull (in a good way) and undistracting. The composition is also quite different, which is nice. It screams NYC too (was it in New York?)!

I would say the flowers image is quite punchy, but it doesn't immediately say yellow. If all the flowers were yellow, then it would, but I think it would also be a bit boring. I find the other flowers too distracting.
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I prefer the Taxi, although it doesn't seem level, or maybe that's an intentional angle but it doesnt tickle my fancy.

P.S Trip, your entry says Green a lot than yellow to me. :confused:
Psilonaught said:
thanks for the feedback - i like both but for the purpose of the contest the taxi was my prefered choice, i'll replace it

PS danza yes it was in NYC :)

No keep the taxi, it a really nice pic and far better than the flowers
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The shot of the flowers is a much better photo IMHO but I think you will score higher with the taxi shot. It is just too cliched for me as an image.
FAO themask70. You said that your EXIF is embedded in the image, however I have checked using a Firefox plugin and there is no EXIF. You might want to sort that out before the competition closes.

Looking for a quick bit of advice over which image is best for this theme. I am really torn between them for this round.

I like this;


but have submitted this;


This was taken with the reversed 50mm lens, hence no exif data. The first was *** 70-300IS.

I find it really difficult to judge what would be appealling in my own images.

Any thoughts very much appreciated.
ok added my entry, i used cheap Tubes to get the detail in the sand(which is yellow, honest)but of course that kind of stuffs the Exif details...
Changed my entry. Still didn't get to shoot a couple of options that I had in mind even tho I promised myself I would (morale: Don't believe anything I say!). Still not completely happy with it but it's better than my other entry.

Some greaty entries this round, gonna be an arse to judge I recon...
Joe T said:
Midnight tonight chaps. :)

Well, heres the critique from the last round. Better late than never.

Mohain – A good photo technical and theme wise however the impact lets it down. The black and white works really well and I feel it captures the mood of the scene very well. All you need is some sepia duotone and it could be from the early 20th century.

Penski – I’m not a big fan of montages. One that tell a story such as Spit’s work well. Its just when the images are of the same item they don’t work too well. You would have been better off just concentrating on getting one good single image instead of 3 okay ones.

Tommy6206 – Very nice. Brilliant colours, nice theme interpretation on the silhouette gives it loads of impact. A very nice photo.

Blackvault – The problem I see with this is that it just isn’t a very interesting picture. While other people had the same subject matter (eg, Danza) the way it was shot made it interesting. Nothing really wrong with it technically or theme wise its just not particularly interesting.

Broadbandplacey – A nice interesting picture. Technically good but perhaps a little lacking in contrast. A very nice interpretation of the theme. I feel the B&W works well in this picture as I don’t think it was a particularly colourific photo in the first place. Though as I said earlier perhaps lacking in impact due to the large amount of neutral grey in it.

Mundu – I like it. Selective colouring can sometimes ruin a photo but in this case it really suits it. Technically very good and I like the simplicity of the composition. Perhaps a little lacking on the impact side but that’s not a major point.

Pickers – Argh, selective colouring. I’m not a fan of this but in some photos it can add to them. However this isn’t the case and I just find it annoying. Similar points to what I said about Paulsat’s. Nothing intrinsically wrong with it just not very interesting. Thus it looses out on impact.

Paulsat – Technically it’s a good photo, nothing wrong on that part at all. The same with the theme, a good idea there. The problem I see is that it just isn’t a very interesting photo, the subject isn’t particularly exciting and the way its been shot doesn’t help either.

Gregeff – Stunning. Brilliant colours and a nice conventional theme interpretation. Technically it looks like a hard shot to pull off but you appear to have done this well. The contrasty nature and vivid colours help give the photo impact.

RichardT – Nothing drastically wrong with it. Its just that it isn’t a very interesting photo. The theme relevance is okay but the impact is just now where. Not a very interesting subject either. Also the OOF arm at the front of the picture is distracting, I appreciate that the shallow DOF is the point of the picture but maybe try a slightly smaller aperture and move the focus point nearer the front of the frame.

AdWright – A nice photo. Nothing really wrong with it and the score shows this. A good, if slightly unconventional angle. The only thing that lets it down for me is a lack of impact. The photo doesn’t really pop out at you, this couldn’t really be helped as a tube station isn’t a particularly interesting or charismatic location. Still, a very good pic.
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