OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Seven - "Candid" DISCUSSION

Eeek.. i got nothing!!!

Oh man, definitely a pointscraper this round!
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wow! That was a close one!!

Was realying on getting a candid shot at Lewes Bonfire, which I did. However I ended up not getting back to Bristol untill 10:30 this evening due to our wonderfull public transport :rolleyes: Then it took another 45mins to get to my house. I loaded my photos on from the weekend, only to find that Lightroom is being anoying and memory leeking every time i run it! Still the same after re-install , but eventually get it working well enough with only one photo in the library, I quickly find a suitable photo, process it and upload it. Whew!! I didn't even have to to look through all my photos, but I thought this one looked pretty good :)

so, good luck all, I think there's been some great photos this round :)

Well, I got a shot in but I've got to say that this really was a horrible theme. I know I chose it and I hoped it would get me into things like street and people, but it didn't. I just can't see the attraction, or more likely just don't get it . Each to his/her own :) Good luck all. When's the results coming out then :p
dod said:
Well, I got a shot in but I've got to say that this really was a horrible theme. I know I chose it and I hoped it would get me into things like street and people, but it didn't. I just can't see the attraction, or more likely just don't get it . Each to his/her own :) Good luck all. When's the results coming out then :p

I felt the same. I always take candid shots on my trips out with the camera, but I found that going out with that as my only theme for the day was impossible! If you read the Wiki for Candid photography it says "Candid photography is supposed to catch rare instances of life from the very immersion into it". I think that explains why you can't just go out and get a great shot for this theme - unless you are super lucky!

This might be a tough round to judge too, because it also says in the Wiki:-
"Due to short reaction times, lighting or focus may be off. Due to flashlight being obstructive to candid photography, pictures may show glary overexposure, underexposure, color shifts or blurring. Such technical aspects of candid pictures are usually accepted as features of candid photography."

So that's my excuses out of the way.. anyone else have any comments?
dod said:
Well, I got a shot in but I've got to say that this really was a horrible theme. I know I chose it and I hoped it would get me into things like street and people, but it didn't. I just can't see the attraction, or more likely just don't get it . Each to his/her own :) Good luck all. When's the results coming out then :p

Really like yours!
now the competition has ended, comments and critique welcome, it has been about a year since I have been on this board and taking photos so prolly a bit rusty.
5bjoshua said:
Really like yours!
Thanks, but I don't think it's a candid in the sense that most people would interpret the theme. The best thing going for it is the look of concentration on the guys face just before they start.
I totally rushed mine, from getting home with 2 gig of photos and going to work I had 10 mins to pic one out, process and then post it. I am thinking this might be a better shot.

Raymond Lin said:
I totally rushed mine, from getting home with 2 gig of photos and going to work I had 10 mins to pic one out, process and then post it. I am thinking this might be a better shot.


Really like this one, i am a big fan of the b&w which seem to concentrate the mind on the subjects and help detract from the background, which I am glad you left high, gives the subjects room to breathe. The facial expression is also great, very natural and very candid.

only slight negative is the depth of field,seems to have been between the bottles and the boys right eye, leaving the left eye and hair ever so slightly out of focus. could have been the image reduction though.

All in all, one I would ahve liked to take
dod said:
Thanks, but I don't think it's a candid in the sense that most people would interpret the theme. The best thing going for it is the look of concentration on the guys face just before they start.

I get what you mean. I think its the same as if I posted a gig shot. It is technically a candid photo in that its not posed or anything and its a moment in their life but its more of a gig shot than a candid shot. Annoyingly I was so busy this weekend and forgot to process this image;


I think it has more of a story than my previous.
cyKey said:
Annoyingly I was so busy this weekend and forgot to process this image;
No offence but that's a far better shot. Your current entry for me is a bit confusing with the bag behind the door and it looks posed. Really need to look at it to find out what's going on.
dod said:
No offence but that's a far better shot. Your current entry for me is a bit confusing with the bag behind the door and it looks posed. Really need to look at it to find out what's going on.

My current one is in no way at all posed. I was assisting a photographer and the band were getting ready, checking their make-up and outfits in the mirror. So I snuck up behind them and got a couple of shots. I thought it was better than my previous entry simply because it was a real moment that was in no way posed. Annoyingly, this new shot was an even better real moment as its easier to understand whats going on and tells a simple story. But I got the shot about 3pm on Saturday and had a gig at 8pm which I need to have the shots done by Sunday and then another gig on Sunday at 6pm so it just got lost in the busy weekend. Damn shame really but hey :)
Thoroughly dislike the above shot Pete - far too cluttered for me, although that may be the processing as much as anything else. I still love your current entry.
hoodmeister said:
Thoroughly dislike the above shot Pete - far too cluttered for me, although that may be the processing as much as anything else. I still love your current entry.

hehe can't please em all :D I did also feel that the new shot was too cluttered. Not sure whether it was the processing or simply that there was too much in the shot.
AdWright said:
Hello Judges! Any chance of an ETA on the results? :)
I also can't wait, first time I've entered this competition, be interesting to see what they make of it, do I actually have any clue when it comes to photography? :)
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