hehe, well as much as I would like to agree with hoodmeister and Carrot that the noise in my image adds to it, I have to agree with CyKey!! i would prefer it if it wasn't there. I think it's a combination of shooting at ISO800, not using Noise reduction and Excessive processing!! lol

If only this lens worked well below F8, i could have used ISO400 which would have been miles better. However i don think it shows motion pretty well, as i feel it kinda 'sucks' me in when i look at it and it 'feels' fast.
CyKey I nearly entered a photo like yours, but I couldn't get it right! I was using my fisheye (As Normal

) and was trying to pan with one of the people on wheel. But i failed, lol. I think it was a bit too dark as it was about 1am.
milou where was that shot taken? it looks like somewhere in the Cairngorns to me? It's really nice
My personally favorite is Dod's, it's a fantastic shot as we have come to expect from his moto shots!
My other favorites are: Broadbandplacey, King_Boru, Puz, southy1978, Colin_da_Killer, AdWright, growse, stuart38, cyKey, milou, TerraS, Fstop11.
ooh thats quite a lot... it's going to be a tight round!
Anyway, good luck all, I hope whoever wins his round, choses a better theme! (what idiot chose motion??....)