OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Six - "Motion" DISCUSSION

mrgubby said:
Bought one of those specially for the comp but didn't manage to get a shot that worked :D

i did the same, got around 40 shots from all different angles, with flash, no flash, low light, high light...i just couldnt get what i wanted.

personal favs are Adwright, Fstop11, CyKey, Terras, Mr Gubby...all very very good!
hehe, well as much as I would like to agree with hoodmeister and Carrot that the noise in my image adds to it, I have to agree with CyKey!! i would prefer it if it wasn't there. I think it's a combination of shooting at ISO800, not using Noise reduction and Excessive processing!! lol :D If only this lens worked well below F8, i could have used ISO400 which would have been miles better. However i don think it shows motion pretty well, as i feel it kinda 'sucks' me in when i look at it and it 'feels' fast.

CyKey I nearly entered a photo like yours, but I couldn't get it right! I was using my fisheye (As Normal ;) ) and was trying to pan with one of the people on wheel. But i failed, lol. I think it was a bit too dark as it was about 1am.

milou where was that shot taken? it looks like somewhere in the Cairngorns to me? It's really nice :)

My personally favorite is Dod's, it's a fantastic shot as we have come to expect from his moto shots!

My other favorites are: Broadbandplacey, King_Boru, Puz, southy1978, Colin_da_Killer, AdWright, growse, stuart38, cyKey, milou, TerraS, Fstop11.

ooh thats quite a lot... it's going to be a tight round!

Anyway, good luck all, I hope whoever wins his round, choses a better theme! (what idiot chose motion??....)
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Gregeff said:
CyKey I nearly entered a photo like yours, but I couldn't get it right! I was using my fisheye (As Normal ;) ) and was trying to pan with one of the people on wheel. But i failed, lol. I think it was a bit too dark as it was about 1am.

Ha cool. I was tempted to go and retry that last night but it was an hours drive and there was no garuntee that I'd make it back in time for the deadline.
Gregeff said:
My other favorites are: Broadbandplacey, King_Boru, Puz, southy1978, Colin_da_Killer, AdWright, growse, stuart38, cyKey, milou, TerraS, Fstop11.

Thanks :)

It is going to be a tough round for the judges, lots of wel captured shots and ideas.

Good luck to everyone!

Does anyone know of any freewebspace where I can host a 12mb file? Its just NTL don't seem to allow email attachments over 10mb.

And something that isn't RapidShare.
xolotl said:
Does anyone know of any freewebspace where I can host a 12mb file? Its just NTL don't seem to allow email attachments over 10mb.

And something that isn't RapidShare.

You get 55MB webspace with NTL , can't you use that :confused:
hoodmeister said:
Having said all that, my favourite has to be stuart38's. It's not the cleanest or sharpest of images, but I like the composition, setting & background (these all say "real" to me) - and by gosh does it really really say motion! Rather clever.

I had this idea from the start of this round but left it right til the last day to take it! I did have sharper versions using bounced flash and card reflector but they didn't look right so I opted for greyscale/toned.

Compositionaly I'm not 100% happy but it was a trade off between putting the viewer in the right context or having a pretty picture - at least that's my excuse anyway!

Thanks for the nice comments
Bugger, totally forgot about his. Ah well, at least I got something in I suppose, even if it was from my phone :p
morgan said:
i havent entered this round...still sulking after the last round :)

good luck to all. although the winner for me is puz

Ta very much ! Although I've not won a comp in 1.5 yrs but you never know.
Theres way too much competition in here ;)
does anyone think that adding 'originality' to the marking criteria is a good idea?

Also think that if the competition was an open vote (ie all forum users could vote on thier top 3 - and all were marked blind (ie no username id) I think it would be much better.....seen it work very well on other photog comps...also means that the competition is more open as using just a few judges makes the results very subjective...just an idea anyway.
morgan said:
does anyone think that adding 'originality' to the marking criteria is a good idea?

Also think that if the competition was an open vote (ie all forum users could vote on thier top 3 - and all were marked blind (ie no username id) I think it would be much better.....seen it work very well on other photog comps...also means that the competition is more open as using just a few judges makes the results very subjective...just an idea anyway.

In such a system, would the entrants just email their entries to a judge, who would then host them in a poll for everyone to vote on?
Originality is all relative. Gregeff's winning shot last round was an original idea compared to the others but to some it was just another goth/emo deviantart style blood pic. I don't know how well it could work here. People have proved that one persons original shot is another persons cliche.
morgan said:
Also think that if the competition was an open vote (ie all forum users could vote on thier top 3 - and all were marked blind (ie no username id) I think it would be much better.....seen it work very well on other photog comps...also means that the competition is more open as using just a few judges makes the results very subjective...just an idea anyway.

I think this is a good idea. Don't think it should change half way through a season but def an idea for the next season. This way all (but one) can participate.
Originality could be difficult , what happens if a few people have the same concept. Would people get marks on the order of posting as to who's was the orginal-original :confused:
The problem is that nothing is original anymore, all technique/style even subjects people used would have been done already by the pros. So on that level everyone gets 0 on originality. What you can judge on is the execution of the idea and how well that execution is.
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