Amen!Raymond Lin said:I think this competition is great, we have somme very talented people doing work with their own very individual style. Add in the element that we all help each other, and there is no stigma attach to posting a average or even bad photo. We all learn from each other and we all improve together which help to raise the standard of the competition as a whole.
Blair said:I won't enter this round for two very good reasons; Puz and dod.
There's not a picture I dislike in the entries, but those two are (for me, subjectively) stunning and really capture the detail of a fleeting moment that our brains don't usually absorb. Which is, for me, the element of "motion".
I love those two shots, both stunning (IMHO).
Broadbandplacey said:i love the cat fight!
shame its not sharper really otherwise it would be a great capture just at the right place right time
I do like your fisheye shots, Gregeff.Gregeff said:Argh, didn't realise that this comp was finishing already!! I left my camera at a friends house last weekend and so i've not had a camera this weekI guess i'll have to chose one of the photos i've already taken which i wasn't too happy with. Nevermind
A.N.Other said:I do like your fisheye shots, Gregeff.
I think you've mirrored that last one (looking from the marks on the seats) - was there someone in the original shot or did it just look better?
Now that's really good, much better than the first IMOAdWright said:Last minute change of heart for me - changed to another shot that I took last night of a bus near where I live. (Old entry can be seen here)