OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Six - "Motion" DISCUSSION

Hmmm, it's a difficult one, because the knee-jerk thing to do is to go out and take a picture of a road on a long exposure. Light-trails.... Wheeeee!!!!

So it's more about "Who can take the best picture demonstrating motion in an unusual/special way", which I think is different to a term like "Religion" or "Work" which are much more open to interpretation about what they are.

Personally, I think it's good to have a mix of words which are open to a lot of variation and words which mean a more specific thing. :)
Broadbandplacey said:
some really good late entries being put up.

love the fish-eye on the train!

Ah but as good as it is compositionally, its quite noisey and does it say motion? I'm sure TerraS would say it says "LOCOmotion" as he did the other night ;)
Well thats my entry in, not the most original but im happy with it. Didnt have a huge amount of time on my hands this month, infact i havent done much photography at all.

I think there are quite a few very good images this month, Brocksta's, cykey's and themask70's stand out for me.

best of luck to everyone.
There are a few DQ's. Two coloured borders, illegal borgers, one image is too big. You might want to double check your entries against the rules. Dont want the same petty arguments as before.

King_Boru said:
There are a few DQ's. Two coloured borders, illegal borgers, one image is too big. You might want to double check your entries against the rules. Dont want the same petty arguments as before.


Is there a max image size? I thought the guidelines were just "reasonable"?
growse said:
Is there a max image size? I thought the guidelines were just "reasonable"?

* Photos must be of a reasonable size.

Reasonable is up to the judges, but the rule exists to stop people posting tiny images which hide blurred images etc. If someone wants to post a huge one, they can, but the judges are more likely to see mistakes in the image and mark it down.
TerraS said:
* Photos must be of a reasonable size.

Reasonable is up to the judges, but the rule exists to stop people posting tiny images which hide blurred images etc. If someone wants to post a huge one, they can, but the judges are more likely to see mistakes in the image and mark it down.

Generally its best to keep them under 1024 px wide for competition entries and link to the larger version. 800x600 would be nicer with a link. Just to keep the forum looking nice.
some fantastic images in this round, and im really sorry i havent had time to contribute to the thread or the competition this round, pointscrapper only, the idea was there but the talent wasnt, and i dont have time to get it right, so i claim the wooden spoon proudly now!
matty said:
some fantastic images in this round, and im really sorry i havent had time to contribute to the thread or the competition this round, pointscrapper only, the idea was there but the talent wasnt, and i dont have time to get it right, so i claim the wooden spoon proudly now!

Bought one of those specially for the comp but didn't manage to get a shot that worked :D
My entry is up! Actually took this today - in the nick of time!
I have never tried taking a panning shot before, but this one turned out so I figured it was right to use it for the competition.
I angled it in Photoshop and adjusted the curves and desaturated it to add some interest.

Very difficult to come up with something original for this round I found. I had matty's idea, cyKey's idea and some of the more obvious interpretations too. :)

Good luck everyone!

I was gonna do the exact same thing this morning.. Good job I didnt go to the effort to get someone to cycle for me :P

I have entered my shot. I never got chance to think of a good motion idea and Ive had a lot on my plate recently. Really wanted to really get a good one in this time but I only have the shot I put in that really says any motion at all.

Theres a few really good ones there that I really want to win but good luck everyone. Im off to Ibiza tomorrow so I wont be here. Chao
cyKey said:
Ah but as good as it is compositionally, its quite noisey and does it say motion? I'm sure TerraS would say it says "LOCOmotion" as he did the other night ;)

I would say it does, yes. Infact, I'd say it positively screams it - the whole image "sucks" you in, so instead of others which are all about looking at motion, this one makes you really feel it. I'm normally not so hot on mirrored images, but this has been done well - and I like it. Couldn't give a rats rear about the noise myself, it has quite a nice grain structure to it - but I can see how others would dislike it.

Having said all that, my favourite has to be stuart38's. It's not the cleanest or sharpest of images, but I like the composition, setting & background (these all say "real" to me) - and by gosh does it really really say motion! Rather clever.

edit : But really though, some fantastic entries this round. It's a toughun cos' I think it's a subject a lot of people love to shoot - so getting something to really stand out from the crowd is hard.
hoodmeister said:
Couldn't give a rats rear about the noise myself, it has quite a nice grain structure to it - but I can see how others would dislike it.

Agreed. In fact, I don't think it'd be half as atmospheric without the noise.
hoodmeister said:
I would say it does, yes. Infact, I'd say it positively screams it - the whole image "sucks" you in, so instead of others which are all about looking at motion, this one makes you really feel it. I'm normally not so hot on mirrored images, but this has been done well - and I like it. Couldn't give a rats rear about the noise myself, it has quite a nice grain structure to it - but I can see how others would dislike it.

I didn't feel any of that, and the noise seemed like it was because the shadows had been increased to get the detail in the outside motion. I don't mind noise when used right, but in this case it felt like an issue with the processing rather than a compliment to the image. Looking at it again I can kinda see what you mean but it doesn't really say motion to me. These themes are always tricky :)

Carrot said:
Agreed. In fact, I don't think it'd be half as atmospheric without the noise.

Huh. Doesn't seem like the noise creates any kind of atmosphere for me. I'm talking about the noise in the windows more than anything.
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