found another site with a guide, seems a very complicated system, they suggest even adding more weeks, for example,
2 weeks at 15 reps, 2 weeks at 12 reps, 2 weeks at 10 reps, 2 weeks at 8 reps, 2 weeks at 5 reps, 2 weeks at 3 reps and 2 weeks at 2 reps.
or suit it to whatever you want.
The setup you have is very similar to the one I have to warmups before getting to work.
Absolutely right about warmups though, no point spending too much energy on it. It'll just take away from your training and goals.
After 2-3 weeks I'm only just posting this up because I'm a retard and couldn't edit the videos
New updates
Squat: 165kg
Deadlift: 195kg
Bench: 100kg
(sorry no vid, up to you whether you put it on FF, although I would like it )
BW: 75kg
Sad times on my squat, my funny right legs twitches in. I thought I had gotten past that. Oh well no worries .
I should really have gotten 200kg deadlift but the night before, when I did the bench, I was fannying around with a friend trying to make up new exercises or improvise others. Like plate pushes instead of a sled . I also spent about an hour going nuts over my vibrams cause it was the first time I had them . A lesson has been learned
Thanks in advance FF !
P.S lots of shouty
Not really how it works By that reasoning my new deadlift max is 260kg.These are estimates based on my heaviest weight for reps e.g. deadlift 180kg for 4 reps.
Not really how it works By that reasoning my new deadlift max is 260kg.