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OcUK RTX4060 review thread

23 Feb 2012
What, why should it work on a GTX 780? That's like saying AVX-512 should work on a 486 or x86 should work on ARM.

The reviews are about the hardware that is the RTX 4060, not about the software.
Frame Generation uses AI and that requires Tensor Cores that GTX cards do not have so cannot run Frame Generation.

In regards to the RTX 4060 the card is not terrible, if you have a 1060 or below, and want Nvidia, but if you have a 2060 or above then its not worth buying at it performance level or price, though the concensus amongst reviewers is basically do not buy it unless you have to, to replace a faulty card or complete a system.
Also, the 8GB of VRAM is just not enough, as many games reviewed had issues loading texture packs compared to cards with more VRAM, like the 6700XT.

Basically the 4060 appears to be a card that will not last more that 2 years given the current acceleration in games hardware requirements, from publishers, especially with new games engines, like Unreal Engine 5, becoming more common and demanding.
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23 Feb 2012
Nearly £300 and they are using a heatsink off £50-100 class cards, embarrassing.

Looking at some of them you would thing you were buying an 4050 or 4040 card.

You are spending £300 so I do not expect RGB and metal backplates but the 3060's just seem to look better.

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16 Sep 2018
Frame Generation uses AI and that requires Tensor Cores that GTX cards do not have so cannot run Frame Generation.
Erm, tensor is a mathematical equation. AI is mathematics. Any IC that's capable of maths (all of them?) could interpolate a frame from multiple other frames. The only thing unique to Nvidia's solution is that they've given over some of die area to ASIC dedicated to performing those instructions and restricted the software to only run when particular hardware is detected. If Nvidia wanted they could unlock the software to run on anything, it would probably really suck and may well crash if their software is using any unique instructions, but technically speaking fake frames should be able to run on anything.
In regards to the RTX 4060 the card is not terrible...

...Basically the 4060 appears to be a card that will not last more that 2 years...
I mean. :p

e: To be clear i don't disagree, like I've said before there's no such thing as a terrible product, just a terrible price. And IMO £300 is pretty terrible for what you're getting.
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20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Hardware unboxed seemed to be very biased, not even looking at dlss3 which is a feature i would be using with these cards.
Still its a 4050 in disguise

not even sure its that. Its more of a 4040 being overcharged as a 4060 price. Its just about the worst value 4 card you can buy IMO
17 Jun 2004
Eastbourne , East Sussex.
I can't find any review of the RTX4060 from them?

Was up briefly and then taken down - and reupped.

They literally ignore the frame generation prblems, ignore that amd is cheaper and when vram limited at 1080p, the 7600 is faster and smoother low 1% and 0.1% . But nope, as usual for Digital Shilleries , Nvidia wins.
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17 Oct 2009
The main issues with these cards using DLSS as a sales point is that as the cards get weaker, DLSS (and frame gen too) get worse. So it doesn't turn a bad experience into a good one, but does turn a good experience into a better one.
For example, I think Daniel Owen mentioned that frame gen is good in his opinion, but only if the normal fps is above 60 (the ok experience) and then you throw frame gen on top to get a better experience. So it kinda cuts the legs off of a low end card because once you start going below that 60 then even if your fps numbers read 80 odd then the experience is rubbish for him.
Normal DLSS is similar, you'd want it to help budget gamers get more, except at lower resolutions it's worse. N.B. I actually use it @1080p on quality on Darktide because it does a better job than the AA and I don't notice the difference bar the lack of the screen crawling compared to DLSS off, also use it in NMS because the difference doesn't bother me enough tbh.
I didn't use it in Hitman, but was actually impressed at how 'good' the image looked at 1080 using the worst settings, and it did a better job than FSR - though that might have been fsr 1.
Daniel Owen mentioned in his video that Frame Gen increases VRAM usage. So for the 8GB cards you're again cutting their legs off by using these extra features, and his Cyberpunk frametimes are more eratic with FG on.

This is longer than i expected, so TLDR, glitter is good on things and makes things prettier, but glitter on a turd does nothing except you're now also paying for glitter too.
6 Nov 2005
Makes sense to me that frame gen wouldn'tbe worth it with lower base frame rate. Playing at 30 fps most people can at least notice the latency even if it's not a deal breaker for them. So having it spit out 60 frames isn't going to make it feel any better, if anything it might make it feel worse as there is a disconnect between what you're seeing and doing. I bet any artifacts would be worse as well as they stick around longer.

That's not to say its terrible or anything, there are a lot of games a 4060 can play at over 60 that would look smoother with frame gen. But I don't think its a magic bullet that's going to fix games with lacklustre performance and for me its certainly not worth the price premium.

And let's be honest here frame gen is literally the only reason someone would pick this over any of the half a dozen other cards around the same price
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Yeah, 40 FPS rendered and then increased to 80 with frame gen still feels like 40 because your input latency is still dependant on the rendered frame times.

There will also be a higher number of artefacts with the AI generated frames because in a given motion with lower frame rates there is a bigger gap between rendered frame, so the rendered frames are more different from one to the next, so the AI is having to guestimate more pixels.

DLSS3 only works, visually really, if you already have good frame rates, its just making good frame rates in to better frame rates, again visually only, or it makes a bigger bar on a graph, which is good for marketing, its precisely that reason as to why most mainstream tech jurnalists are only lukewarm on DLSS3 and refuse to justify it as "performance" its fake hackery.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Looking at some of them you would thing you were buying an 4050 or 4040 card.

You are spending £300 so I do not expect RGB and metal backplates but the 3060's just seem to look better.

That's like an old style CPU cooler, something milled out of an alloy ingot, i haven't seen something like that since 2016 and even then only on budget $150 GPU's. or CPU box coolers...
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1 Nov 2002
15% faster than a 3060 but with 4gb less vram, for the same price.


These gen on gen gains are quite something. Nvidia smashed it with the 4090 but it seems the lower you go down the stack the weirder it gets.

4060Ti and the 4060 are so disappointing considering this is probably the ‘sweet’ spot for most gamers in terms of outlay. But it’s essentially regressive with both models, at best stagnation, with the justification of DLSS3, which should just be one of many features not THE selling feature.
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11 Jan 2021
These gen on gen gains are quite something. Nvidia smashed it with the 4090 but it seems the lower you go down the stack the weirder it gets.

4060Ti and the 4060 are so disappointing considering this is probably the ‘sweet’ spot for most gamers in terms of outlay. But it’s essentially regressive with both models, at best stagnation, with the justification of DLSS3, which should just be one of many features not THE selling feature.
if dlss 3fg was in every game then maybe you could try and push it with that but with such a small fraction even having frame gen how can it be brought up as a selling point? oh if you want to play the 20 games that have it here we are never mind the many hundreds that dont!
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