OCUK Sandy Bridge, SB-E and Ivy Bridge 5GHZ Club

Having a bit of a clock-off with a friend so just wacked up to 5.1 and pushed up the vcore to make sure it booted ;) could maybe get volts down a bit but cba, just wanted a better pi than my friend :D

so decided to give this another go - hada go above the 1.4 volts I told myself I wouldnt exceed but did anyway, really difficult to get it even semi stable above 5.2ghz so think this will be my last attempt -

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only moved up a few spaces though :( wanted to try and get atleast 6.9999999 lol wanted lower time than 7 seconds but dont think I can do it
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You S.O.B. XD you managed to get under 7 sec's with your 2700k lol, I wouldnt even dream of putting 1.5 volts through it was iffy at 1.45 lol
You S.O.B. XD you managed to get under 7 sec's with your 2700k lol, I wouldn't even dream of putting 1.5 volts through it was iffy at 1.45 lol
Lol, i won't be doing it again had to kick its butt to get there, debs & cammy must have some good silicon to get to the top ten, i will be treating it nicely from now on:D
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Very impressive xxShinobixx i can only reach 4.6ghz at that voltage. I'm 24/7 stable at that voltage though.

I very much doubt this will be stable with such low voltages but i'm sure it will be stable with less than 1.42 @5GHz.
I kind of had an idea this may be a good chip as i have been running it stable @4.5GHz with 1.28v-1.29v for a while now. The reason i hadn't pushed it so far was that it had 11C difference between the cores when under load. Did some lapping today and it's much better now.
5250mhz with a 3960x isnt half bad
water chilling the southbridge , vrm/mosfets really helped get the clocks up prior to doing this 5ghz was the limit.....i could get this higher but the jump in vcore wouldnt do the chip any good, now i have got my screen shot its back to 4750mhz at 1.32v which is were its staying...
i now have a 2600k /2700k and a 3960x in the top 40 :)

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