OcUK Southwest Meet - Get Your Names In!

DreXeL said:
Still trying to wear Mrs DreXeL down WRT staying overnight. Bribery is my next tactic, but it could get expensive..........

If you wanna slum it, and camp, you are welcome to pitch up in my garden.

sadly i cannot open this to all of you :p, some of my garden is currently a building site. But as DreXeL is the only one teetering on NOT coming.. and I have to see the RX ;)
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DreXeL said:
Still trying to wear Mrs DreXeL down WRT staying overnight. Bribery is my next tactic, but it could get expensive..........

Tell her to think herself lucky you are not in the armed forces, tell her you'll be back the next day, pack your bag and drive off :)

Just becuase you've got a Mrs doesnt mean you can't have a life :p
FakeSnake said:
If you wanna slum it, and camp, you are welcome to pitch up in my garden.

sadly i cannot open this to all of you :p, some of my garden is currently a building site. But as DreXeL is the only one teetering on NOT coming.. and I have to see the RX ;)

Thanks for the offer mate, but it's not really the cost of staying somewhere, it's more about leaving her and the kids all weekend.
DreXeL said:
Thanks for the offer mate, but it's not really the cost of staying somewhere, it's more about leaving her and the kids all weekend.

Jeez it really is not that big a deal, its one weekend! My mum used to get left on her own with me and my sister for 9 months at a time due to Dads job. One weekend is hardly going to harm her is it? ;)
[TW]Fox said:
Jeez it really is not that big a deal, its one weekend! My mum used to get left on her own with me and my sister for 9 months at a time due to Dads job. One weekend is hardly going to harm her is it? ;)

Yeah I know it seems quite simple, but with 4 kids ranging from a 16month old baby to an 8 year old they are a bit of a handfull, and weekends are her only real 'time off'.

There's still a few weeks yet, so don't rule me out ;)
DreXeL said:
Yeah I know it seems quite simple, but with 4 kids ranging from a 16month old baby to an 8 year old they are a bit of a handfull, and weekends are her only real 'time off'.

There's still a few weeks yet, so don't rule me out ;)

Its nice to see you consider your missus. :)

Is there no chance of roping in a couple of in-laws to assist her for a night?

I may be forced to put my name down for this since it seems I will be in the area that day returning from holiday at Dawlish.
Out of curiousity, how far off the M5 are we likely to be straying...just so I know in advance since I'll have a 3-3.5hr drive home from Devon as it is. :D

Before I forget..I'm Laura and the car is a 1.8SRi Astra G.
Well depending on where exactly on the moors they are planning to go it could be anything :)

Oh, and my name is Chris and I'm an alcohlic.
Minxy said:
Out of curiousity, how far off the M5 are we likely to be straying...just so I know in advance since I'll have a 3-3.5hr drive home from Devon as it is. :D

Don't know, not far. Moors or something?

Before I forget..I'm Laura and the car is a 1.8SRi Astra G.

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