OcUK Southwest Meet - Get Your Names In!

Theres a really nice pub on the river next to the bridge at Combe in Teignhead. called the Coombe Cellars.

Snag is its owned by Brewers Fayre, brilliant location crap food.
Yea, if you can't be bothered to take the Scenic route that pub is all of 15 minutes away. It's 19 miles down the A380, a dual carriageway.

Combe Cellars looks interesting, will have a look at routes to that this evening :)

Reason why Westy and I chose a Hungry Horse is that with a chain pub like that there is something for everyone - fussy eaters etc etc are all accomodated for. Country traditional pubs might not be suitable for some.

As always though, suggestions are more than welcome :)
Just spoken to a couple of people that live in Newton, and the concensus is that whilst the food is cheap in the Hungry Horse it's really not very good at all.

How about the "St George and the Dragon" in Clyst St George. Only a few miles from the services, big pub that serves food and comes recommended by several of the guys in the office here.

Multimap link

Small review (loads of other local pubs on that site as well)

TBH I'm pretty easy either way, it's not like we are compiling a good pub guide or anything ;)
Combe Cellars is in a really nice spot, its brown signposted from the Penn Inn roundabout, so easy for the non locals to find.

The food is Brewsters quality, if you've even been in one you'll know what I mean.
POB said:
Combe Cellars is in a really nice spot, its brown signposted from the Penn Inn roundabout, so easy for the non locals to find.

The food is Brewsters quality, if you've even been in one you'll know what I mean.

Has great views. But can't remember what the food is like :o
timbob said:
Does it have to be a chain pub...? If so, there's a big Wetherspoons (biggest in the country I believe) in Exeter itself up near uni....

Why not head north out of Exeter, up the A377 past Crediton, up on towards Bideford way, then about turn and back down into Exeter to the 'Spoons? There's some nice circuits to be made up of the A and B roads to the north of Exeter...

That way we're all pretty much where we started, so no-one has any further than they came to drive home again... Those who don't fancy a hoon about can just nip across town from the services and sit in the pub till the others return.... And drinks/food is cheap as anything, due to it being a 'spoons.

yea bring on bideford. can meet me at home then ;)
My feeling is that at least if we drive TO a pub rather than drive around and then had back to a pub, you've at least driven somewhere. Also, A to B is easier to organise than A to A again?
Always been told that Hungry Horse (formerly the Sloop) was a dive lol :)

Hare and hounds on the other hand, not great for our meet but very nice roasts :)

Very nice place up on Widecombe that's good, the name escapes me but went there a few weeks ago and it was good, car park wasn't huge though.

Will have a chat with the step dad who works in Ashburton and knows everywhere there is to see if he knows anywhere suitable :)
Oh yeah Ev0, forgot about the Hare and Hounds.

It would be good imo. Great food and a big carpark, but the view isn't exactly fantastic, unless you enjoy looking at the crapest A road in the country :)
Right had a chat with him and he recommended the pub at Widecombe, apparently the carpark is huge as they regularly have coaches etc.

Pub is called The Old Inn and is slap bang in the middle of Windecombe.

He also reckoned the Hungry Horse was a c h a v pub, on second thoughts maybe we should go there :P

I don't reckon hare and hounds would be big enough at all though, you think there's all our cars, plus normal customers :/

Have problems parking on a Sunday lunch as it is :)
32 miles :)

The bovey road is nice, takes you up over Haytor and has some nice open stretches, and the bit between Bovey and Moretonhampstead is great.

And if you wand a really mean detour the tottiford roads are lethal/fun :)

I'd recommend ringing the pub with an idea of the numbers, just in case!
oh bloody hell - looks like i'm heading off to bide ford the weekend after next also! then need to get back to London for the Sunday after this trip! need to stop putting all these miles onto the car! (still... it is rather fun :D)
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