OCUK Steam VR Group Chat

22 Jul 2012
Had a good couple of sessions with a few of you guys last night, so I thought it might be an idea to get a little group chat going on Steam to help us make it easier to get together more often for some VR shenanigans.

I've already invited a few of you to the group, but for those not on my friendlist, here's a link to join: https://s.team/chat/LbXqd7xs
Or just add Petey Spangles

Don't be shy, we're mostly decent people :D
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Two good sessions earlier today, a bit of trekking followed by some payday madness. Been ages since I played Star Trek and I hadn't a clue what was going on and lead my crew to a glorious defeat in less than 15 minutes :) @lokiss and @Ravenger struggled gallantly, trying to do two jobs at once while their captain mashed the buttons of his console uselessly!! :p We took on the Borg under a new captain, @Uncle Petey , and he lead us to another defeat, in super quick time!!

Payday 2 is also a pretty fun experience in VR. I have done two missions so far, the first was a stealth mission, which seemed to be a lot of running around cluelessly while killing wave after wave of guards, with Uncle Petey screaming at me "get the cash Mel!!" The second was an action mission, which also seemed to be running around cluelessly while killing wave after wave of guards with Uncle Petey screaming at me "get the cash Mel!!" :D Some more members of OCUK should sign up for this, it really is a great group game.

Just one word of warning. I thought I was pretty immune to VR sickness, but after about 20 minutes in Payday 2 using smooth motion, I was starting to feel pretty bad. I think I will have to go back to teleporting for this game.
Oh nice one, I'll join the group later. I don't usually get to play until 10pm ish though, which doesn't seem to work out with typical humans.

Never picked up Bridge Crew, but if it looks like there might be a chance to play it with people then I'll be happy to try.

Pay Day 2... scares me. I might teleport on that one too.
Payday 2 was great fun despite the horrible turning mechanics which meant my cord was getting seriously tangled. I also managed to drop a grenade at my feet causing the guards to immediately sound the alert. oops. :D

Star Trek was a laugh, as most of us were unused to the next-generation setting, which fundamentally changes a lot of the controls and UI's. We got the hang of it in the end though, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the games guys!
How do you play payday 2

Is it ok sat down at a desk. I only really play with my VR when someone has the young one and i move everything downstairs.
You can play Payday 2 on your monitor if you want.
If you want to use VR, then download the free VR DLC and er, play it :) We can show you the ropes when you get on.
No, is it any good?

Its fun, currently only 4 maps so can get repetitive, but thats the case with any tower defence games. It's fun with a few friends (I often play with some guys from my Ludosport class)

Plus theres PVP which is great fun.
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