OCUK Steam VR Group Chat

Purely 5v5.

Filthy casuals such as myself prefer a larger count so there's a variety of skill levels on either side and a more random chance to succeed at something. Even 20 years ago when I was hardcore every night on quake and one of those people that could dominate a server, it was always the larger count servers id join for fun.

It just ain't no fun playing on the lower count's where the hardcore player gets every chance to dominate because of the lack of chance of the random element. I knew it back then, it's no different now.

Frustrating though because Contractors does appeal, I've had my finger hovering over the buy several times.
Yeah, I see where you're coming from. However, I'd say that it doesn't mean it won't do well. It's just a matter of it not being quite your cuppa :)
I'm not a huge fan of the 5v5 thing either tbh, although it can be pretty sweet when you've got some regular mates to squad up with.

I guess war dust is pretty much your option right now. It's got good players, average players, crap players and bots. Get some hours under your belt and you'll be ok.
Maybe you won't like large battlefields? I dunno...

Oh, and #gitgud :p
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