** OcUK Tech Labs Fathom All in One Custom Cooler **

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We really need a proper review of these and more performance data. Price is right between at H100 and full custom loop so would be nice to have a bit more information tbh, ideally with a retail Haswell!
Do these come with a leak warranty ?

they come with a warranty as outlined. if it breaks, we will fix it.

it shouldnt leak but we do recommend leak testing for a few hours upon installation [the system will have been in transit obviously]

if a leak does occur and ruin something, we will do whatever we can to assist.

I assume it would be possible to order without the fans?

sure, just contact us before ordering :)
Can ocuk please test it with haswell (120mm & 240mm) as I still awaiting for these results. I am sure other members who own haswell on this ocuk want to hear it as well.
Boo! Mine won't be here till Monday as it was only shipped Friday but that's fair enough since they were kind enough to sort out custom length tubing for me which means disassembling, fitting new length tubing, reassembling and testing again.
Woop! Mine has just arrived, plugged it in outside my case for now to leak test, I can still see a few bubbles in it, how do I go about bleeding it? Do I just stand the Eisberg up right, open the Fill Port and let it run?


Can you be specific as to which thermal paste is supplied? :)

Cooler Master Eiscreme is supplied.

But I have a big tube of AS5 which I will likely use unless the Cooler Master stuff is meant to be better?
depends on your case tbh.

I personally was not mega happy with it at 12v but felt that it was important to keep it on full power when dealing with a hefty overclock. 8pack gave it some real hammering when testing and the 7v was the minimum we could go to, but noise was an issue at 12v.

I guess the difference between us testing in a quiet office on a test bench is very different to one being installed in a case and having that advantage of sound dampening.
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