Hello everyone,
Now that the first race is out of the way, here's a few initial thoughts....
Firstly, the server worked, everyone got connected and was able to race [tick]
People showed up! [tick]
Discord chat seemed ok [tick]
Just-Race recorded all the results and timings [tick]
The combination of driver aids, damage, fuel and choice of car made for an interesting and entertaining race [tick]
12 laps seemed ideal, not too short, not too long. Enough time to recover from a mistake [tick]
Drivers were able to have their own individual battles, the results were unexpected and nobody seemed out on their own for very long [tick]
Improvements and changes....
Having only one race per month comes with a few downsides. Not everyone is able to make the race due to other commitments, nor does it reward those who put in hours of practice only to then have one bad race!
Not everyone likes the car, it's not best suited to wet races, and could get boring.
I propose to hold official races every Thursday. This rewards those who not only race well, but regularly participates as this is nothing without the drivers.
The car will be changed throughtout the season, not too many times so to give everyone a chance to learn its characteristics.
See post 1 for details.