I'm hovering between getting a quest or a Lenovo explorer (less than £150 on the bay now) with extra cash going to games.
I currently have a ps pro with psvr v1 and moves.
I love the idea of being tether free on quest but the current game prices are very high especially for the older games.
My pc is a bit dated though 2600k, r9 290 and 8gb. I'm being unusually indecisive as they both offer different pros and cons.
The Lenovo will probably require you to upgrade your PC anyway to be able to power through the better games which PCVR offer. Also you're locked out of playing Oculus exclusives on PCVR which is my main draw to going to PCVR as WMR has dodgey compatability issues with revive. Windows MR also doesn't have as strong or powerful ASW to compensate for your GPU (unlike the Rift).
The Quest and Lenovo/GPU will end up costing about the same. Also the Lenovo is really quite outdated now.
If you want the best VALUE, then get a used CV1 or preferably a Vive (so u can use the base stations in a year or two when u buy an index) and push the rest of the cash to a CPU at some point.
The Quest will be the more magical experience and provide you with a few VR use-cases which are impossible with PCVR (watching 3D films comfortably in bed, playing 2-D games on a 100 inch projector screen in another room of your house, VR porn in bed, Superhot untethered in your garden and being able to run and punch, portable VR for holidays) but it comes at a price premium for games, less graphical fidelity and less games to play (albiet enough games to play for a little while at least).
I think ANY fan of VR, needs a Quest. Its just so magical to have VR portable and so quick to use. Anywhere I am I can just slip on the headset and I'm inside a 3-D movie theatre. Its nice to have.
The best value PC headset is probably a Rift S, but that ends up quite expensive when you have to get a new GPU too.
Also a cheap second hand vive bundle is going to be hard to find because the base station 2.0s are so over priced, the 1.0s are holding their value. and a CV1 is based on dead technology (the sensors) so its a hard thing to convince urself to buy.