Oculus Quest (Santa Cruz)

I got the handtracking update today.

Works surprisingly well. It's a bit jittery but I can totally see this replacing controllers for media viewing and roomscale adventure games.

As with all things Oculus expect this to be improved upon over time. What we're seeing now is really just the start.
You have to be only the latest version of 11 and at your own risk. Link

Normally wouldnt hesitate doing Android devices but with this think I will wait for the official download.

Update: left mine on with charging cable and it updated to V12. A reboot and then turn on the option. It works really well its a bit weird seeing your hands move exactly how you are moving them in VR.
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Is there any details on this being released to Rift S, or is it only possible with the hardware in Quest?

Back at connect they said they would look at it, but no commitment was made.

I’ve seen a few mentions that the positioning of the cameras isn’t ideal for it on the rift S but I haven’t seen them backing up those claims with references, personally I find that unlikely to be the case.

Here’s hoping they bring it to rift S users, and also to Quest Link users. I need this for flight sims!
Given the different camera positions they're more than likely having to retrain whatever machine learning algorithms they've developed for doing the hand tracking.

It's suprisingly robust so will likely take some time to replicate. People will point out all day how it "fails" when two hands touch, but I'm willing to bet that's actually some celever edge case detection thats able to recognise when your hands are touching and purposely stop showning the hands to the user. They know the limitations of the tacking and not once have I seen it "filp out" like other solutions do - so by stopping tracking before this point is reached is a nice solution on a cusumer product.
Back at connect they said they would look at it, but no commitment was made.

I’ve seen a few mentions that the positioning of the cameras isn’t ideal for it on the rift S but I haven’t seen them backing up those claims with references, personally I find that unlikely to be the case.

Here’s hoping they bring it to rift S users, and also to Quest Link users. I need this for flight sims!

Not sure where I read it, maybe here? Anyway, seems they are using some previously unused signal processing hardware that's in the Qualcomm SOC powering the Quest, to process the hand tracking. It doesn't exist in the Rift...
Not sure where I read it, maybe here? Anyway, seems they are using some previously unused signal processing hardware that's in the Qualcomm SOC powering the Quest, to process the hand tracking. It doesn't exist in the Rift...

They use the DSP on the Qualcomm chip for tracking. This could be done on the CPU on the Rift, or even on the GPU.

The main issue with hand tracking on the Rift S is that it only has two front facing cameras, where the Quest has four, which makes it easier for the Quest to track hands when occluded. Also due to the differing camera layout I imagine that the tracking algorithms would need to change to account for this.
Anyone been playing around with the link settings in debug on the new v12 software?

I've tried to emulate Virtual desktop's wifi settings by forcing 3648 horiztonal res and low foveated... definitely gives a clearer image than standard but the contrast/colour is still a bit crushed compared to VD's version.
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Bridge Crew is a great game, but no cross-buy - no buy. It's a seated game anyway, so ideal for Link.

Mind you with the Quest's portability this is a great way to get a group of people into the same room to play it. Just think you can even set up the chairs in the same positions so you don't need to use voice comms.
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