Oculus Rift

Yes i had the same feelings as you when playing luckys tale. Was in wow mode all the way through. Such a good game in vr!!! I put the headset on my 5 year old daughter and i found it very hard to get it back after She was so amazed by it!!! Cant blame her as i was probably even more amazed thinking is this how platformers will play on the future then boy are we all in for a treat!!!

I also really want to try Chronus, as it looks super cool and has got really good reviews too.

I played eve valkrie and thought it was really good also, however i only did about 3 start missions and loved it so far. The feeling of being in a real ship in space is just amazing, especially when you look down and see your body in the cockpit and if you move your head around your body and arms move too! Seeing out the windows on the left and right while flying forward is also game changing and adds so much to this type of game. Whats boring about it? Is it that it gets repetitive after a few missions etc??? Whats an even better ship game to play in vr? Elite dangerous? Or something else?
Personally I find Elite is not much better. It's a much bigger game but it is incredibly grindy and repetitive.
It's not something I would buy again.

Even in its current state I've put more time in to Star Citizen overall, but the first proper release (and VR support) is still a ways off.

Not a space game, but War Thunder are actively working on Rift support and said that should be about a week away. I think that is going to sink quite a bit of my time waiting for other stuff.

I'm actually finding Virtual Desktop really good for FPS that aren't VR enabled. Bit disappointed in VORPX as it's really flaky and seems to need active support on a per game basis.
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Been playing Windlands today... had to stop as feel sick as a parrot!

The Epic demo on the Oculus store is incredible... if only we could get games to that quality.

Starting to wonder where the content is for the Rift, barring Luckys Tale, there is a whole lot that either is vomit inducing for any significant length of time or that is simply a tech demo.
I tried one last night and some demos, one was called I expect you to die, I could see the potential in it, tracked really well I thought, added a nice touch to the "gaming experience" being able to look around and figure the puzzles out.

Needed to sit correctly on your head otherwise was a touch out of focus.

Overall for the brief time I tried VR I give it a thumbs up if the content arrives.
Been playing Windlands today... had to stop as feel sick as a parrot!

The Epic demo on the Oculus store is incredible... if only we could get games to that quality.

Starting to wonder where the content is for the Rift, barring Luckys Tale, there is a whole lot that either is vomit inducing for any significant length of time or that is simply a tech demo.

It's very early days yet. The content will come.
I had to jump hoops to get Minecraft working on the Vive but if you're not sick to death of it, playing IN the game does add a whole new experience. Finally I could appreciate those damn blocks really are 1m squared!

By some sick twist I managed to randomly generate a Jungle world and started stood on top of a 30m high tree :)
Are there any Rift demo centres anywhere? I would like to try one out before dropping £500 (even though my April ship date has been moved back to late June)
well i have spend in rift 12 hours strait on Saturday and 8 hours yesterday Playing Elite Dangerous.
Well worth the buy :D
If I order a rift now when is the expected delivery?

Or you could buy one now off fleabay. Ive still got mine wrapped up until i put together my new comp with no intention of selling, but prices are dropping. 800-900 seems about the going rate now. It was a grand+ last friday, guess extra supply is kicking in!
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The days have never passed more slowly since I've been given my shipping date of the end of June...... It feels as though CV2 will be out sooner lol
Or you could buy one now off fleabay. Ive still got mine wrapped up until i put together my new comp with no intention of selling, but prices are dropping. 800-900 seems about the going rate now. It was a grand+ last friday, guess extra supply is kicking in!

I highly recommend testing it at the earliest opportunity - mine is faulty among quite a few others looking on reddit and the earlier you report it the stronger the case you have in getting a solution
The sensor won't level, the horizon looks cocked and there's no way to reset it so I have to play with my head tilted to the left

Others on reddit have had screens (one or both) just black or lines across the whole of both screens

It seems like the hard packaging they've gone for is impacting on the unit and jostling things loose in transit

I raised a ticket a week ago and other than asking me to reconnect it, try different USB or another PC, I've not had anything approaching a sensible solution suggested
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