Oculus Rift

The screw on the headphone isn't loose is it? If so you can use the plastic tool supplied with the rift to tighten it.

Also open the Oculus software, and click 'devices' and check that the headset has a green tick next to it, which shows it's connected and has enough USB bandwidth.
You could try moving the headset USB to a different port if you have one spare.


Tired all that and still issues :(
I have had my Rift for a few days now and it's incredible! I bought a bunch of games from Steam that were on sale and all of them are awesome!

My PC has a 4690k @ 4.2, 8GB DDR3 memory and a 1080Ti, I've downloaded the Oculus Tray Tool and these are my settings, would this be ok based on my specs?:

I have had my Rift for a few days now and it's incredible! I bought a bunch of games from Steam that were on sale and all of them are awesome!

My PC has a 4690k @ 4.2, 8GB DDR3 memory and a 1080Ti, I've downloaded the Oculus Tray Tool and these are my settings, would this be ok based on my specs?:


Thats perfect. I also go for 1.5.

See if you are sensitive to ASW or not. If you mix well with it, you can honestly crank the settings up to a ridiculous level.

On a 2080 (same as a 1080ti), I can get away with Skryim VR 4k textures + SS 1.5 with 300 mods and an ENB!! It looks beautiful and incredible and smooth.

ASW and ASW2 which is coming on Oculus make me very secure in future proofing of further hardware. I'm quite confident with Oculus's implimentation of ASW, I could easily get away with an Oculus-native headset supporting higher resolutions...

so please oculus release it.
Picked up a Logitech G29 (with Shifter) and Rift at the weekend. Main aim was to mess around and have fun with various racing games (I blame Jimmy Broadbent....) . I used to have a HTC Vive 1-2 years ago but never tried racing games with (I quickly grew tired of the existing "games".

Well after a couple hours of hair pulling trying to get it setup correctly at my desk (various issues with sensor distance, UI elements being way out of wack and the splash screens being either too high or randomly not centered), it is now fully working.

All I can say is.... wow! I had forgotten how immersive VR could be but blimey with a wheel, pedals and shifter it feels like actually being there. I have only played around with the PC2 Demo so far but the full game is now downloading for more fun tonight. :D

Here's a quick shot of my setup:


Surprisingly clean considering the sheer amount of cables required. The only thing I would knock it for so far is a lack of cable ties in the box. Why Oculus decided on non re-usable plastic tie things I don't know (how much would re-usable velcro ties have cost (luckily I had spares from my PSU)?!)

I also move just the Steering wheel setup (so no VR) to my wife's desk to play GT: Sport on the PS4.

I am also planning to pick up Assetto Corsa in the near future. Any other suggestions for those sort of racing games? I am aware of both rFactor and iRacing but don't really know anything about them (I have read the latter has a monthly payment model?).
Assetto Corsa is my go to for VR. Loads of decent mods to download. Also track down SRS (Sim Racing System) for online competition as well as Content Manager for UI, etc. I'd recommend getting Ultimate version with all DLC.

iRacing performs brilliantly in VR but very pricey - subscription @ around £100 per year plus tracks and cars are expensive too. Maybe wait for next sale / intro offers and see if you like it. There are guides on progressing your rank through different series at minimal cost.

Race Room Experience is another suggestion. Think base content is free but also worth waiting for sales to either buy packs or all content at greatly reduced price.
I sat on my rift and broke one of the ear pieces! I was just going to get a replacement but for another £7 I could get the ear buds, anyone tried the eat buds and if so are they any good?

I like the ear buds. They give great sound and block out background noise. I prefer them to the original ones.
Guys, two questions. Love my Rift, no issues at, all but what do you think on these:

Firstly, I have my monitor connected via DP and Rift via HDMI to a 1070Ti. I'm still running my Rift in limited colour mode at 8-bit rather than full range. Has anyone done the trick to connect monitor to HDMI, set to full colour then reconnect the Rift? Is it worth doing?

Secondly, I've never touched the ASW settings in Oculus Tray Tool. I do notice that sometimes it limits to 45fps in GPU intensive situations, but can't say I notice any difference when it's at 45fps rather than 90fps. Is it worth messing around with ASW? I'd rather have better IQ than silky smooth frames.

Finally, do Oculus Tray Tool settings override any in-game settings?

Guys, two questions. Love my Rift, no issues at, all but what do you think on these:

Firstly, I have my monitor connected via DP and Rift via HDMI to a 1070Ti. I'm still running my Rift in limited colour mode at 8-bit rather than full range. Has anyone done the trick to connect monitor to HDMI, set to full colour then reconnect the Rift? Is it worth doing?

Not heard of this before and therefore no idea on the impact it would have.

Secondly, I've never touched the ASW settings in Oculus Tray Tool. I do notice that sometimes it limits to 45fps in GPU intensive situations, but can't say I notice any difference when it's at 45fps rather than 90fps. Is it worth messing around with ASW? I'd rather have better IQ than silky smooth frames.

Leave ASW on auto, with it off and dropped frames and jerky video it would become quite vomit inducing, its there for a reason as smoothness is vital for a nice experience.

Finally, do Oculus Tray Tool settings override any in-game settings?


I would guess not as I think it works the same way as the OculusDebugTool, I personally don`t use Tray Tool but do manually set my SS using the DebugTool, doing it this way means all in game SS should be disabled otherwise you run the risk of double SS and the performance being impacted.
Guys, two questions. Love my Rift, no issues at, all but what do you think on these:

Firstly, I have my monitor connected via DP and Rift via HDMI to a 1070Ti. I'm still running my Rift in limited colour mode at 8-bit rather than full range. Has anyone done the trick to connect monitor to HDMI, set to full colour then reconnect the Rift? Is it worth doing?

Run my rift through a dp>hdmi adaptor so I could run full range, did I notice a difference NO I didn't. I found turning spud on was a bigger difference.
Assetto Corsa is my go to for VR. Loads of decent mods to download. Also track down SRS (Sim Racing System) for online competition as well as Content Manager for UI, etc. I'd recommend getting Ultimate version with all DLC.

iRacing performs brilliantly in VR but very pricey - subscription @ around £100 per year plus tracks and cars are expensive too. Maybe wait for next sale / intro offers and see if you like it. There are guides on progressing your rank through different series at minimal cost.

Race Room Experience is another suggestion. Think base content is free but also worth waiting for sales to either buy packs or all content at greatly reduced price.

Thanks :)

Will pick up Assetto Corsa after the next pay packet as I have plenty to go on with now.

The only issues I am currently experiencing is the game splash screen / menu not being centered when launching (like its at 30 degrees to my left or right). If I launch PC2 through Oculus VR in Steam or directly through the app it works fine, but when using "Steam VR" it is either ok or randomly off centered. Worst one was the screen deciding it should be behind me last night... took me a few moments to work out where the sound was coming from as I couldn't see anything.

The view re-set option in the Oculus overlay doesn't always work when this happens either.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh and also I found out that a Ferrari F40 around Brands Hatch with "Authentic" Driving aids can be, er, interesting.... :D
Ordered a HDMI booster which in the reviews people have stated works with Oculus Rift and 10m extensions, will update once tested.

Only catching up on Threads now after Christmas. Sorry that the replacement cables didn't work out. It's very odd that the cables don't work for you. Wonder is it a power issue?
Only catching up on Threads now after Christmas. Sorry that the replacement cables didn't work out. It's very odd that the cables don't work for you. Wonder is it a power issue?

Will find out later as the HDMI booster arrived.

It could also be related to varying HDMI output power between gfx cards, I am currently running a 2080TI FE, not tried on the 1080TI FE can cant be asked to swap it back in. Maybe also USB power related as I am running my whole rift setup off the on-board USB of a ASUS CH6, no other USB cards installed, although the headset still works fine with a USB extension and stock HDMI cable.
Picked up a Logitech G29 (with Shifter) and Rift at the weekend. Main aim was to mess around and have fun with various racing games (I blame Jimmy Broadbent....) . I used to have a HTC Vive 1-2 years ago but never tried racing games with (I quickly grew tired of the existing "games".

Well after a couple hours of hair pulling trying to get it setup correctly at my desk (various issues with sensor distance, UI elements being way out of wack and the splash screens being either too high or randomly not centered), it is now fully working.

All I can say is.... wow! I had forgotten how immersive VR could be but blimey with a wheel, pedals and shifter it feels like actually being there. I have only played around with the PC2 Demo so far but the full game is now downloading for more fun tonight. :D

Here's a quick shot of my setup:


Surprisingly clean considering the sheer amount of cables required. The only thing I would knock it for so far is a lack of cable ties in the box. Why Oculus decided on non re-usable plastic tie things I don't know (how much would re-usable velcro ties have cost (luckily I had spares from my PSU)?!)

I also move just the Steering wheel setup (so no VR) to my wife's desk to play GT: Sport on the PS4.

I am also planning to pick up Assetto Corsa in the near future. Any other suggestions for those sort of racing games? I am aware of both rFactor and iRacing but don't really know anything about them (I have read the latter has a monthly payment model?).
looks a neat setup ...now if only i could get my vega 64 up and running i could set up my rift and get it out of its delivery box!
Picked up a Logitech G29 (with Shifter) and Rift at the weekend. Main aim was to mess around and have fun with various racing games (I blame Jimmy Broadbent....) . I used to have a HTC Vive 1-2 years ago but never tried racing games with (I quickly grew tired of the existing "games".

Well after a couple hours of hair pulling trying to get it setup correctly at my desk (various issues with sensor distance, UI elements being way out of wack and the splash screens being either too high or randomly not centered), it is now fully working.

All I can say is.... wow! I had forgotten how immersive VR could be but blimey with a wheel, pedals and shifter it feels like actually being there. I have only played around with the PC2 Demo so far but the full game is now downloading for more fun tonight. :D

Here's a quick shot of my setup:


Surprisingly clean considering the sheer amount of cables required. The only thing I would knock it for so far is a lack of cable ties in the box. Why Oculus decided on non re-usable plastic tie things I don't know (how much would re-usable velcro ties have cost (luckily I had spares from my PSU)?!)

I also move just the Steering wheel setup (so no VR) to my wife's desk to play GT: Sport on the PS4.

I am also planning to pick up Assetto Corsa in the near future. Any other suggestions for those sort of racing games? I am aware of both rFactor and iRacing but don't really know anything about them (I have read the latter has a monthly payment model?).

Beautiful setup, So neat and tidy. Really like it.

I would be embarrassed to put a picture of my play space up. :D
Will find out later as the HDMI booster arrived.

The none powered in-line HDMI booster actually works.

If anyone else having the same issue I can recommend the PWAY PW-HR20 HDMI 2.0 Repeater, they are £17.99 on Amazon.

Took a while to get working though as first I tried installed 0.5m from gfx card outlet, then 2m extension which plugged into the stock rift cable, that didnt work so I then spent a bit of time with USB Device Tree Viewer moving the USB around to see if it was power related, no combo worked.

Basically it only works if the repeater is after the extension, so extension cable direct into gfx card, then booster / repeater, then stock cable and all works, just played an hour of Sabar and Space Pirate without any issues.
The none powered in-line HDMI booster actually works.

If anyone else having the same issue I can recommend the PWAY PW-HR20 HDMI 2.0 Repeater, they are £17.99 on Amazon.

Took a while to get working though as first I tried installed 0.5m from gfx card outlet, then 2m extension which plugged into the stock rift cable, that didnt work so I then spent a bit of time with USB Device Tree Viewer moving the USB around to see if it was power related, no combo worked.

Basically it only works if the repeater is after the extension, so extension cable direct into gfx card, then booster / repeater, then stock cable and all works, just played an hour of Sabar and Space Pirate without any issues.

Brilliant, glad you are back up and running!! :)
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