Oculus Rift

Ugh, seriously loosing count by the number of times I've posted this on various forums and usergroups but honestly, your complete lack of understanding, foresight and elitism is laughable.

Anyway, here I go again...

Even if your headphones at 10000x betters than anyone else could ever make, understand that by simply including (rumored to be removable) headphones you'll benefit from the developers being able to target a sound device that everyone is known to have.

Oculus have invested millions in buying software and resources from companies that specialise in 3D positional audio. These are technologies that only work with headphones so it's makes business sense to make sure everyone can experience all the effort they're putting into this tech.

Without headphones developers would have to target "movable" headphone audio and "static" speakers audio, splitting the workload and ultimately decreasing the quality of their work for everyone.

Also consider that these headphones will likely be very much a "reference" quality. Developers are able to create their games with these specific devices in mind - but if someone swaps out their headphones, fine.

Ultimately, regardless of your stance on the matter, you're going to benefit.

Also, this. Palmer has described their audio solution as doing "audio as well as they do video" - which, having tried many iterations of the Oculus Rift, I can say I'm looking forward to trying too.

EDIT: Oh, and don't even get me started on the wires! Adding your own headphones adds more wires that I'd happily not require in a heartbeat.

I see someone has lapped up the PR a treat. For the Occulus Rift to come in at even a remotely decent price point they will compromise in certain areas. Areas which cannot bear compromise are those which have the LARGEST impact on the experience.

That will be resolution, pixel density, display response time, tracking fluidity and response. The quality of the audio solution will not be anywhere near on par with a dedicated, configured and amp matched headphone solution. Positional (software) audio does not require nor benefit from an included set of headphones. Different headphones have different sound stages and sound characteristics. An included set of headphones is not going to be more technically capable and allow for a 'better' overall solution purely because it's a known value.

Are you somehow telling me that developers 'targeting' (I really have no idea what you mean by this to be fair) a known set of stereo headphones will be able to overcome the lack of quality compared to a vastly superior headphone configuration? What exactly will they target? Stereo headphones are stereo headphones as far as the technology goes, the improvement in quality comes from how they are driven (DAC/AMP) and the drivers themselves.

There is no way the included Oculus Headphones will be on par with reference pairs. Not unless the price reflects it.

They can include headphones, they just better damn well be removable so they can go in the bin.
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They can include headphones, they just better damn well be removable so they can go in the bin.

Well, they've confirmed they're removable. Regardless of my thoughts, we both get what we want.

There is no way the included Oculus Headphones will be on par with reference pairs. Not unless the price reflects it.

Also, sorry, missed this bit. "Reference" is perhaps the wrong term due to it's very literal meaning in audio, but what I mean here is that because the game developers are developing audio using the exact headphones you'll be using they know exactly how to create the audio to make it sound like how they want and know how it will sound to the user.
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For a seated experience? You would certainly be right about moving around, but seated there should be no problem. Thing that annoys me currently is losing tracking when I 180, hopefully there will be more sensors around the back.

Already confirmed and demoed with the CB that they're sensors on the back.

I just don't see how Oculus' single sensor thing on a stand can compete with the HTC Vive tracking wise. That's the main downfall I see with it. Tracking is so important with VR. Just a half a second glitch in tracking on a DK2 can make me feel sick :p

I'm trying to find the quote but they're keeping quiet on the tracking at the moment for a reveal at E3. It seems like it's not just as simple as a camera any more (or at least that's what they're hinting at) but they've also said it can be extended with multiple trackers.

EDIT: Found it: http://uploadvr.com/oculus-rift-room-scale/
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Just finished watching the E3 reveal.

Seems the toilet plunger™ is a tracking sensor :).

I cant believe they needed an hour to talk about nothing new.
Basically they cant make a decent controller so they used a Xbox one is the only real news.
It was a real train wreck of a reveal, the lack of clapping was painfully awkward and funny to watch.

They also seem to playing catchup with copying what ever the Vive does but without actually showing it working which makes me think at the moment none of it does work right or they would have showed it in the video.

That demo of streaming from xbone in a virtual cinema was lame, it shows it has no support for the xbone only streaming from the pc I really don't see the point in that at all.
You could see the same view from just playing your xbone on a tv without the headset way to go oculus :).


There demo's showed nothing new also, when you see how awesome the portal Vive demo was with being able to take the robot apart and interact with it and also that demo with the two guns being moved around it shows how far ahead the Vive really is.

When you read all the current hands on reviews everyone seems to be saying the Vive is the future, everything just works well together.
I think the only people talking up the rift has not tried the Vive yet, has some kind of financial interest in it or just has their head in the sand.

Seems like I am not the only one who thinks the rift is disappointing

My money is now going on the Vive 100%, with Valve and HTC supporting it I don't see why you would waste your money on the rift.
I can imagine a lot of people upset that they wasted there money on the rift and its promises.
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I can imagine a lot of people upset that they wasted there money on the rift and its promises.

Why? All the time and effort they've spent developing software and VR experiences along with solutions to VR problems is well invested.

They can take everything they've learnt from all the work Oculus has put in releasing these devices to anyone, not just AAA developers, and apply it to any VR platform they choose - be it Rift, Vive or even Morpheus.

The only money they've "spent" is the £230 on a developer kit. Nothing has been wasted from all the stuff they'll have learnt in developing their games or applications to that device.
vapourware becomes rubbishware

No tech specs (apart from saying the resolution isnt as high as they wanted), and apart from eve, the games look dire!

I got the impression of the ceos of various companies, that they had resigned to the fact it was rubbish but had to put on a front
vapourware becomes rubbishware

No tech specs (apart from saying the resolution isnt as high as they wanted), and apart from eve, the games look dire!

I got the impression of the ceos of various companies, that they had resigned to the fact it was rubbish but had to put on a front

Dont be so ridiculous. The Rift is reality and you're way behind the times if you think the VR revolution is going to somehow fade. The presentation was fairly junk but E3 is in four days time which is when people will get their hands on the kit.
No one using a rift thinks they've wasted their money.

Even the DK2 offers a great experience...if I had bought it for playing games I wouldn't have been disappointed. As it is I have real VR hardware in my hands and a very good, well documented SDK that I am using to develop and experiment with the technology.

Really the technology isn't going to mature until we have affordable GPUs that can drive 8k resolution at 75+ FPS....everything in this first generation is just laying the foundation.
Just finished watching the E3 reveal.

Seems the toilet plunger™ is a tracking sensor :).

I cant believe they needed an hour to talk about nothing new.
Basically they cant make a decent controller so they used a Xbox one is the only real news.
It was a real train wreck of a reveal, the lack of clapping was painfully awkward and funny to watch.

They also seem to playing catchup with copying what ever the Vive does but without actually showing it working which makes me think at the moment none of it does work right or they would have showed it in the video.

That demo of streaming from xbone in a virtual cinema was lame, it shows it has no support for the xbone only streaming from the pc I really don't see the point in that at all.
You could see the same view from just playing your xbone on a tv without the headset way to go oculus :).


There demo's showed nothing new also, when you see how awesome the portal Vive demo was with being able to take the robot apart and interact with it and also that demo with the two guns being moved around it shows how far ahead the Vive really is.

When you read all the current hands on reviews everyone seems to be saying the Vive is the future, everything just works well together.
I think the only people talking up the rift has not tried the Vive yet, has some kind of financial interest in it or just has their head in the sand.

Seems like I am not the only one who thinks the rift is disappointing

My money is now going on the Vive 100%, with Valve and HTC supporting it I don't see why you would waste your money on the rift.
I can imagine a lot of people upset that they wasted there money on the rift and its promises.

Fail!!! Oculus is fail so far. Vive = the winner.

The most dissapointing thing for me was the oculus becoming a platform.

I was really hoping it wouldn't. This kind of product should be as open as possible. I don't want to buy games on another store and have a new friends list.

With the product launching straight into the software I'm wondering if this will work with other store and games bought outside of the oculus software.
Fail!!! Oculus is fail so far. Vive = the winner.

Im buying both, but I am not sure the Vive will be able to replicate what the Rift is already able to do. To me, they are very different devices with the Rift concentrating more on the precision needed for a seated experience and the Vive concentrating on a holodeck sim. Anyway, everyone has an opinion. I think its universal that the presentation was a disappointment, but E3 and hands on is just round the corner.
The most dissapointing thing for me was the oculus becoming a platform.

I was really hoping it wouldn't. This kind of product should be as open as possible. I don't want to buy games on another store and have a new friends list.

With the product launching straight into the software I'm wondering if this will work with other store and games bought outside of the oculus software.

Tbh with the way windows handles displays, having a launcher to take care of that side of things is much needed. The Vive will require Steam to do the same job I'm quite sure.
I'm really not sure about these devices, the only one that I'm kind of excited about is Microsoft's Hololens. The Oculus seems to be not much more than strapping a couple of mobile phones to your face. I haven't tried anything yet though, so I'll try to reserve judgement until I see some finished product reviews.
Tbh with the way windows handles displays, having a launcher to take care of that side of things is much needed. The Vive will require Steam to do the same job I'm quite sure.

Yeah, this is true. It's a real shame because the only platform they really could have latched onto is Steam and since it's already got Steam VR it would seem like a no brainer. Of course, that's never going ot happen now that Valve are making their own device.

So, while I agree it's necessary, it's a shame that we've ended up with more fragmentation.

Pitty they didn't get GOG Galaxy support or something! :)
To anyone wondering what all the fuss is about....just try it. Elite Dangerous with a HOTAS setup is the most impressive experience so far imo. If you're not sold on VR after trying that you're not alive!
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