Ugh, seriously loosing count by the number of times I've posted this on various forums and usergroups but honestly, your complete lack of understanding, foresight and elitism is laughable.
Anyway, here I go again...
Even if your headphones at 10000x betters than anyone else could ever make, understand that by simply including (rumored to be removable) headphones you'll benefit from the developers being able to target a sound device that everyone is known to have.
Oculus have invested millions in buying software and resources from companies that specialise in 3D positional audio. These are technologies that only work with headphones so it's makes business sense to make sure everyone can experience all the effort they're putting into this tech.
Without headphones developers would have to target "movable" headphone audio and "static" speakers audio, splitting the workload and ultimately decreasing the quality of their work for everyone.
Also consider that these headphones will likely be very much a "reference" quality. Developers are able to create their games with these specific devices in mind - but if someone swaps out their headphones, fine.
Ultimately, regardless of your stance on the matter, you're going to benefit.
Also, this. Palmer has described their audio solution as doing "audio as well as they do video" - which, having tried many iterations of the Oculus Rift, I can say I'm looking forward to trying too.
EDIT: Oh, and don't even get me started on the wires! Adding your own headphones adds more wires that I'd happily not require in a heartbeat.
I see someone has lapped up the PR a treat. For the Occulus Rift to come in at even a remotely decent price point they will compromise in certain areas. Areas which cannot bear compromise are those which have the LARGEST impact on the experience.
That will be resolution, pixel density, display response time, tracking fluidity and response. The quality of the audio solution will not be anywhere near on par with a dedicated, configured and amp matched headphone solution. Positional (software) audio does not require nor benefit from an included set of headphones. Different headphones have different sound stages and sound characteristics. An included set of headphones is not going to be more technically capable and allow for a 'better' overall solution purely because it's a known value.
Are you somehow telling me that developers 'targeting' (I really have no idea what you mean by this to be fair) a known set of stereo headphones will be able to overcome the lack of quality compared to a vastly superior headphone configuration? What exactly will they target? Stereo headphones are stereo headphones as far as the technology goes, the improvement in quality comes from how they are driven (DAC/AMP) and the drivers themselves.
There is no way the included Oculus Headphones will be on par with reference pairs. Not unless the price reflects it.
They can include headphones, they just better damn well be removable so they can go in the bin.
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