Oculus Rift

They kept pausing as if for an applause but didn't actually say anything that deserved one. Huge huge let down. Not sure what I was thinking but it seems they ran out of ideas. If this thing is not out until next year what on earth is the hold up? Certainly isn't production of controllers.
They kept pausing as if for an applause but didn't actually say anything that deserved one. Huge huge let down. Not sure what I was thinking but it seems they ran out of ideas. If this thing is not out until next year what on earth is the hold up? Certainly isn't production of controllers.

Development of games, w10 and the like.
I dint know why people where expecting something spectacular. All the developer models are available and they haven't been developed in secret, so not surprising there's nothing spectacular, most stuff we already know.
Apart from the controller, that is what people were waiting for. People have seen that HTC/Valve have and people assumed Rift had their own proprietary controller to enrich the experience.
Such controllers doen't add anything, and just something else you have to learn and for programmers to support. really doesn't make sense to go custom normal controller.

Edit - here we go Kinect support?
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Wonder just how much of a walled garden 'exclusive to rift' that store is going to be, also tied to facebook accounts no doubt.
Such controllers doen't add anything, and just something else you have to learn and for programmers to support. really doesn't make sense to go custom normal controller.

Edit - here we go Kinect support?

Complete and utter nonsense. The thing people commented on with the Vive from what I had heard was the mapping with the controllers allowed for your hands to be mapped 1:1. This increased the sense of presence because they felt part of the universe. I am glad Oculus have added something similar. If it was just that Xb1 controller it would have been a complete step backwards.
Oculus Touch is just a more consumer complete version of the Vive Controllers.

They gave absolutely no new details about the Rift itself, people want to know things like FOV, tracking etc surely that little tiny camera on a stand cannot compete with the Vive Lighthouse setup for spacial tracking.

I also think that the partnership with Microsoft will do nothing but harm games for the PC if they intend to also allow it to work with the XB1. Even more importantly the Oculus Touch controller will not be bundled with the Rift, it will be an additional purchase. https://twitter.com/PalmerLuckey/status/609057819942211585

As it stands, Valve will be getting my money for sure, even if it costs more.

This is why you need decent 360 degree hand tracking without occlusion being an issue, http://gfycat.com/WideeyedTimelyChafer try doing that Oculus!
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I just don't see how Oculus' single sensor thing on a stand can compete with the HTC Vive tracking wise. That's the main downfall I see with it. Tracking is so important with VR. Just a half a second glitch in tracking on a DK2 can make me feel sick :p
I just don't see how Oculus' single sensor thing on a stand can compete with the HTC Vive tracking wise. That's the main downfall I see with it. Tracking is so important with VR. Just a half a second glitch in tracking on a DK2 can make me feel sick :p

For a seated experience? You would certainly be right about moving around, but seated there should be no problem. Thing that annoys me currently is losing tracking when I 180, hopefully there will be more sensors around the back.
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