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he's back and he's poor \o/

very poor!

card just got rejected in waitrose, worst bit was I queued up in the longest queue just because the checkout girl was fit, now im bald, broke and unrespected in waitrose :p

I'm looking forward to this rolling road on saturday

might make my excuses now, due to my extremely poor bank balance my car is currently sporting nankang tyres on the front

I'm quite enjoying motoring on a budget though, serviced it myself, brake discs and pads, few filters, got properly filthy but saved msyelf the best part of £300 :D

please forget the tyres..... :p
now I've mentioned it I'm sure someone will oblige with photos.

main reason for doing it was I want CSL wheels so didnt want to :

a) refurb the wheels
b) buy new decent tyres for them only to lose cash when I flog them
c) I'm currently very poor!

oh and fox, help me find this piece of plastic please

some ****** has nicked mine, I know it was nicked because he unplugged the indicator, nicked the plastic then plugged the indicator back in, thoughtful but still a scummy tea leaf :p
main reason for doing it was I want CSL wheels so didnt want to :

a) refurb the wheels
b) buy new decent tyres for them only to lose cash when I flog them
c) I'm currently very poor!

Will, I tried using an almost identical justification for my Linglong partworn - It didn't work :D.
topman I have actually ordered it from two seperate places (sytner & barkers motorworks) neither seem to be able to find it

and every single breakers yard and ebay ad dont have the part :( :(

I love the car, but its eyes are hanging out on one side, shall I just go and nick it from the csl that parks next to mine everynight to **** me off? :p
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