Off topic thread

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I was just about to read that thread in PC Gaming, anyone care to sum it up?
OcUK: Don't mention GAME or Steam
Forumites: Lolwtf are you for real
OcUK: Yes
Forumites: This is crazy these are everyday words you can't stop them
OcUK: It has always been this way
Forumites: Wtf no it hasn't
Thread closed
I was just about to read that thread in PC Gaming, anyone care to sum it up?

Basically people were talking about another online retailer selling games who are a competitor, so one of the mods stepped in and said "no comp" talk etc etc, at this point the PC game section kicked off and said "LOL you only stock 8 games, hardly competition". Both points are valid but the mods govern the forum so what the mods say, goes I guess!
LOL didn't you know, come 2013 it will be impossible to change gear with your arm? Fo' real. EU regs.

my point exactly :D

I can see why some would prefer the PDK version. Its a very good box. But the idea that its "future proofing" the car is salesman BS to get you to mad with the optional extras so he gets his bonus !
NathWraith, is it considered hotlinking if I link an image from my G+ stream? Got a car for the daily encounters thread and can't be asked putting it on photobucket.
I went out into town for a few hours and came back to find the PC Games thread deleted :eek:. Think it was on page 4 when I last posted in it.

Is mentioning the word steam gonna get me in trouble then?
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