nice recovery, I'd have been in someone's front garden if that was me
Still not mod?
Where do I apply?
Are you mod yet?
Surely you're not withdrawing!?
Better have a read through that
Little bit of entertainment late at night xD
Damnit, I wanna know what the pic was xD
I found the gif, that was a decent find by you, and well suited, as always.
Whats happened Hurf, whos been digging you out mate
Ah i see now, Relentless, never mind him, he dont like me either.
Nah im still out, im gonna try for Sunday to get back home, you gotta laugh really.
Had the derp pokemon before
Mods (over)reaction in the other thread = golden.
As a long and upstanding member of the comunity how do i pledge my support to this new wave of moderation?