Off topic thread

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Acceptable tints? I'd allow it if he was in the costume when pulled over.
How embarrassing.

would have been a different story if it was

"Hope your ****ing happy daddy. *****. Give me the opportunity and I'll ****ing stand and bang with you no questions asked you fat blad *****."

But alas, you went with cutting, how uncouth.

Hurfdurf for mod 2012, more than just creativity.
I want to see the Hurf for Mod 2012 campaign include a demand for action regarding people that post about x, y and z being illegal with regards to insuring a car when they themselves do not have a clue.

Write me a white paper with your problem, findings and solutions and mail it to my campaign address [email protected] and I will certainly consider it.

Hurf for Mod 2012: top tier moderating demands a top tier poster.
That's not aimed at you, just at those who in that thread who tried to thinly Vail their time old Joshy bashing as 'We're only trying to help'.

As someone who can genuinely say they have no problem with your posting, your posting went well below par that night and it was frankly embarrassing. That also doesn't bother me, but if you think people telling you how it is is just to poke fun, then you are either extremely paranoid of people who are trying to help you, or you are really really disliked on this forum, and I can't see why you would be so disliked.
Calm down chickens!

You know what you need, you need a mod who is at the forefront of Motors, a mod who posts at a top tier level, a member of the motors elite, a mod with forward thinking ideas who can not only suggest them, get them started, but also implement them beyond the initial phase.

You need Hurfdurf for mod 2012.
I have been trying to think of how I can work in this whole NotW scandal into a hurfdurf for mod 2012 analogy but its just not coming to me, any ideas?
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