The 'old' 5800X and 3080... I have 5800 and 3080 and still consider this stuff top tier (to persuade myself not to upgradeRuns pretty poorly as widely covered. The old 5800X and 3080 does okay in the open world with RT off, 4K DLSS performance. Capped at 60fps with g-sync to smooth it out. I just reached the fabled stutter town and it is indeed a mess that not even VRR can do anything to help.
All the tech issues aside, I'm still really enjoying the game.

What kind of FPS would you get 1440p quality/balalnced DLSS? I assume similar to 4k performance? What was your FPS like in open world and town?
Debating whether i want to dive into this.
I saw the comment above on Janky AA game above. Basically describes DG1 and I see it as a compliment... many AAA games (not all) these days seem to be insistent on icons/hand holding and gameplay that is so 'smoothed out' it could play itself at times. I love the old school approach this game takes. Same with first one even though I didn't get far in it, but maybe I'll just dive back into that while waiting for this one to improve.
Though not keeping my hopes up if its CPU limited as unless they do some pretty big overhauls (particularly on NPCs in towns) then it won't really change much