****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

It's funny that later on they slapped BF:3 beta access onto MoH, possibly to help increase sales, knowing forwell it might take some effort to get it sold.
Graphics isn't bad and the game runs smoothly but the disconnect problem is annoying. Overall the MP is on par with other games in the same genre but it has nothing that really stands out. As said map is too small and it spoils the mission aspect of the MP as you're most likely killed way before completing any. I got bored after about 10 minutes.
yeah the beta is annoying at the minute getting disconnected every single dam time.
though from the hour i played of it, its preordered on steam :)
i find the combat mission map much more fun than the close quarters one. But its still not a purchase for me at all.

Same as everyone getting the disconnect issues, on just cant wait for a decent MP squad based shooter with open maps and some decent teamplay.
I don't know why EA didn't do the multiplayer, they did a good job with Allied Assault and Spearhead.
It's a shame to hear that people think this isn't so good, i'll be giving it a go myself to confirm but as an avid BC2 player I would have enjoyed something similar.

BC2 is a great game imho let down by a few things such as 40MM GL's and Gustavs being overpowered, and of course could use some more variety on the maps, for example don't get any good indoor/underground maps on BC2 which imho is a real shame.

I am also looking forward to the BC2 expansion, hopefully some new unlocks, and ofc BF3 when they get round to it.
How is a the 40mm in BC2 overpowered? it was at release but now you have to hit someone square on to kill them with it, CG is just a bad weapon and shouldnt be in the game. As for MOH dont like it prefer bc2.
Tweak for those with 5970 cards ;)
rename the MoHMPGame.exe to bfbc2game.exe

and gain over 100+fps with all game settings maxed 8xaa16af 1920x1200 res instead of 45-55 without the tweak ;)

obviously ATI 10.9a doesnt have MOH crossfire profile, fix that now with the above tweak
and if you want VSYNC enabled use D3dOverRider from rivatuner ;)
I dont understand how they cant even get the connection to server side of things right on a Beta...

I mean this is EA/DICE...they have been doing multiplay for over a decade now....
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