****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

I'm at work atm, so what time does Steam unlock? Am i going to have to download it again from one of the links above? :/
my first experience is the games crap.

CS like dead in 1 second before you see anyone almost every time with instant respawning :S (managed 2kills and 5 deaths)

the map seemed tiny aswell the level ended and the game crashed rather than load the next map/round

i dont even feel like launching the game again
Dice say they are taking down the servers and updating them within the next hour to stop the disconnects they have atm...
Not enjoying this really.

When will Dice finally implement a decent server browser?

I think I'll stick to BC2 MP as it doesn't seem radically different to me!
Downloaded at work in Steam, no backup options and says the files are protected or in use if I try to copy from Steam directory to my hard-drive, how do I backup to take it home any ideas? :(
Is it any different from the god awful beta...?

Not really. The maps are even worse if you can believe that. They fixed the bugs and it feels maybe a bit smoother but it's a generic multiplayer shooter with no heart. They really forgot to add the fun into this game. The only thing this game has going for it is the BF3 beta key and I'm not about to pay for MoH to get into that beta.
I played the closed Beta but am yet to play this as I have it downloaded on Steam already and my connection is not fast enough for it to be worht me downloading again, just for a few extra hours gaming.

MOH was always going to be a pure shooter. No real tactics and no real squad play. You do not spend millions developing a game to take sales away from other games in your range, like BC2.

I reckon it will be fun for a while but we are looking at zero longevity here.

Roll on the BC2 expansion and please hurry up with BF3!
Jesus i was looking forward to this, I watched your Youtube video, Excellent music btw, but it looks lolfully bad, like a bad fps from 5+ years ago.

Ill definitely try it but at the moment it looks like MW3 will be my first purchase of the 2 (shock horror)
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