So you did pirate it?Regarding piracy, I in noway condone it.
So you did pirate it?Regarding piracy, I in noway condone it.
I have a mate that works in gamestation, they got some copies in early and he acquired me one.
raven my game looks nothing like your game quality wize.
its like all your textures arent showing up properly LMFAO
raven my game looks nothing like your game quality wize.
its like all your textures arent showing up properly LMFAO
Not too bad a score....
8 Critic score 7.4
359 User score 7.5
So you did pirate it?
Look at the scores from users who wrote a review, rather than just rated a number.
omg im so mad at them dumbing down these games. How horrible of an experience. Your not supposed to get depressed by dialogue or feel so annoyed by clunky rail shooter type gameplay. I know its not a rail shooter but close enough. I think this might be coming from a real turd machine. I remember the first one for ps2 and i couldn't stop showing it off to people saying how cool it was. That one you could run around on the beach with bullets flying at you and you felt like you were in a real war. This is like being constricted to one path with crappy graphics and weird, unintelligent AI enemies that aren't even worthy of shooting. I hope they stop making remakes soon. This one is definitely the biggest dissapointment of the year by far. I'll just go back and play doom 1 and 2 which is way more fun and innovative and those were made like 20 years ago. Sorry, its really hard to write an actual review because i couldn't spend enough time to play it without feeling like crap so i erased it before i could finish it. But hopefully this is enough to steer you away from this atrocity and stick to playing a better FPS game. If any game review site gives it higher than a 5.0 they probably got payed off. thank you for being patient and have a good day.
Yeah, I did. Very
Written by a bunch of CoD fanbois console owners, living in high rise council flats.
"Dis game suxkz so bad man. My hamzter just died on my internet tread millz. My nvidia geforce 250 just baked im miz puter, all fried and smellz."
you know thats cause the single player is done by nabsthe multi will be like bfbc2 though
everyone is going on the graphics of pirated single player when its two different companies doing each version . the multi looks a lot better thann the single player. weird decision to do that but thats how it is