****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

There will be numerous other ways to get a beta key without having to purchase this rubbish.

Yes but do you have key... NOOOOOOO... haha, only joshing ;). Yeah i know what your saying and your right, but i just cant be bothered to run round trying to get a key + I need the game because i've just opened 2 TFU MoH servers so need it to check the settings on the server etc ;)
Those ukers that want to play it early, use a VPN and you can unlock it via steam
and download it once its unlocked you can shutdown steam and play the single and multiplayer without even running steam :) until after the 15th

thats what i did, and it works. :)
well after looking at about ten reviews what i can gather is the single player is shortish about 6 hrs if you go hard at it which is about same as mw2 in length before anyone crys :D

the game averages about 8 out of ten in reviews and most are knocks for it not being bfbc2 or trying to be cod mw which if you like cod and you like quick action i cant see a problem and if you like bfbc2 which most of us have then just play that. bring on friday :)
Been playing single player and yeah it looks to be a direct console port with very limited GFX options, AA is basically on or off, in multi player you can choose from all AA options. GFX wise looks very average, COD 4 looks better. Controls even after adjustments feel very twitchy, lol it plays better with my 360 controller, disappointing.
Been playing single player and yeah it looks to be a direct console port with very limited GFX options, AA is basically on or off, in multi player you can choose from all AA options. GFX wise looks very average, COD 4 looks better. Controls even after adjustments feel very twitchy, lol it plays better with my 360 controller, disappointing.

you do know the multi is made by different team than the single player ?
Single player is bad, there is no physics going on at all, you can't even shoot out lamps or car head lights, it looks like a low budget title, multi player is even worse, avoid.
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Just completed single player, it was fantastic there are a lot of nice cool wow moments in the game and personaly i think the single player is/was from recall better than the single player of MW2.

first time your blasting our mortars
or driving your AV or using the long 50cal, chopper sequence level was great aswell.
story though its a little thin but overall single player was a great experience.

multiplayer on the other hand needs to be played by people that arent fanboys of the cod series this game is more of a realistic experiance compaired to the perk fest that cod is. and btw there are tanks in some of the multiplayer maps...

overall it was worth the purchase from me, also seriously i dont know what pc systems you all using but the graphics on the multi and single player are great, granted i dont think aa is enabled in either single or multi possible driver update required ect. but when played with everything maxed out at 1920x1200 looks great.

all those complainers are probably those that play the game with consoles.
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your post echoes quite a few ive seen on pc and not the console version. also a lot of the hate is towards it not being bfbc2 or the single player being scripted/ short.

to be hinest not even bothered about single player multi is my domain :D
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