****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

multiplayers nothing but a dumbed down castrated shell of bc2

Agreed by the looks of the demo, but the game has nothing to do with BC2. The same as BC2 has nothing to do with BF2.

They are different games. MOH is trying to take sales from COD and not BC2. They would be mad to try and make something similar it is shooting themselves in the foot. Same as BC2 is the sequel to BC1. The sequel to BF2 (and hopefully the big maps / jets / etc etc) will come with BF3. Well I bloody hope so anyway! :)

I played both the betas for MOH. Thought the first one was ok, thought the second one was naff due to the map size. I have been watching some chaps streaming their games tonight and am now a bit more hopeful that there is more to it that I thought. Admittedly, I got gifted the game on Steam from a mate so can't really cancel the order, but reckon it will be worth a hundred hours or so at least. If it does give me 100 hours, it will be worth it.
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Just started downloading it now on eadm, not gonna be playing it tonight though as itll take ages to download.:(

Suprising, usually the speeds on that program are pretty good. I remember getting BC2 of it in something like just over 90 mins. :confused:
Agreed by the looks of the demo, but the game has nothing to do with BC2. The same as BC2 has nothing to do with BF2.

They are different games. MOH is trying to take sales from COD and not BC2. They would be mad to try and make something similar it is shooting themselves in the foot.

Its nothing to do with BC2 but at the same time theyre both shooters. Anyone thats played BC2 i would think they would find MOH to be a huge step in the wrong direction. Even keeping the destruction in the game would have made it a bit more interesting instead of the usual indestructible environment that seems incredibly dated. You learn about recoil and "proper" sniping in bc2, then you play MOH and its just hold in the fire button and get kills from insane ranges. =/

I was expecting a lot from this game about after playing the 2 betas and seeing single player take a trip back to 2003 with its scripted sequences its a pretty big dissapointment. :(
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Its nothing to do with BC2 but at the same time theyre both shooters. Anyone thats played BC2 i would think they would find MOH to be a huge step in the wrong direction. Even keeping the destruction in the game would have made it a bit more interesting instead of the usual indestructible environment that seems incredibly dated. You learn about recoil and "proper" sniping in bc2, then you play MOH and its just hold in the fire button and get kills from insane ranges. =/

Totally agree. MOH looks to have been designed for far less tactical play and far more action than BC2. The lack of recoil and being able to hide behind a rock adds to this. It is a pretty intense gaming experience but with little tactical thought. Anyway, I shall report back after blasting it for 8 hours and a bottle of vodka tomorrow night. :D
I really can see EA canning the series unless they can put the ex IW staff they acquired on the next iteration of this. If theres one thing EA needs to learn its don't let EA and their penny pinching ways near the damn game and maybe then they (respawn?) can make something akin to Allied Assault.
Its nothing to do with BC2 but at the same time theyre both shooters. Anyone thats played BC2 i would think they would find MOH to be a huge step in the wrong direction. Even keeping the destruction in the game would have made it a bit more interesting instead of the usual indestructible environment that seems incredibly dated. You learn about recoil and "proper" sniping in bc2, then you play MOH and its just hold in the fire button and get kills from insane ranges. =/

I was expecting a lot from this game about after playing the 2 betas and seeing single player take a trip back to 2003 with its scripted sequences its a pretty big dissapointment. :(

I think the reason the game is as it is, is becuase it is aimed at the COD crowd!

Arcade fps..
The EADM code can be used to activate any copy of the game if you have access to one - just choose online activation during install....
Thanks got mine sorted mate.

For everyone abit unsure about this.

In my opionions as an ex mohaa/cod1/cod2/cod4 player this is definately worth a purchase.

Can see some competitive play in this too.
Wooo its unlocked!

Whose up for some MoH OCUK action? Server of preference?

Minor niggle, but why have they insisted on putting all that "(TM)" bull**** in the steam name. Messes up my game list god damn it! Everyone knows the brand name is trademarked ffs :/
The SP textures are just ridiculous!!! What was dice thinking not doing SP themselves:confused::eek::confused:

I'm glad i "try" before i buy:D
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