****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Yep just seen it, sounds easy enough. Just waiting for the last fews updates to DL and I will give it a try. Ta v. much.
Here is some images from my system all maxed 8xaa16af.
ONLINE MULTI PLAYER MAP PICTURES!!!! DX11 compaired to single players DX9
ALSO THERE WAS A MUTLIPLAYER UPDATE tonight, that added AA support ;)








I would say the game looks pritty god dam good :D
Im running maxed out single player @ 1920x1200. Visually sweet and silky smooth atm. Retard question, how do I screen cap? My usual print screen + mspaint is failing me, it just comes up black.

First impressions are positive btw, I'm feeling pretty immersed.
Im running maxed out single player @ 1920x1200. Visually sweet and silky smooth atm. Retard question, how do I screen cap? My usual print screen + mspaint is failing me, it just comes up black.

First impressions are positive btw, I'm feeling pretty immersed.

Try fraps a quick download it's free then u just hit F10 in game and it saves them all to a folder
Finally download game. Check

Run SP, decrypts game. Check.

Installs DirectX over the top of my latest DirectX. Check

Installs punkbuster. Check

Game runs. Check

Game CTD's

Do it all again for MP. CTD. Nice.
After watching some sp footage on youtube, the ai does look pretty dinky. Its like they reused the same ai from airborne as they do the exact same things. Sometimes theyre meant to be behind cover yet theyre a good few feet from it, and sometimes on the wrong side of it. Enemies also seem to sometimes be oblivious to your presence making walking up and knifing them simple.
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