What Settings does everyone Run MOH IN?
SP feels like a step back i.e 5+ non-headshot rounds to down a baddie (3 shots to the chest, get up and keeps firing!) No Different to CoD series, no single shot option Did you try clicking the middle mouse button? in SP it toggles single shot or full auto, 30-50m max rangeI've kiled many an AQ much further away than that without a Sniper rifle in SP?, no physics etc
MP is fun though.
I've had no problems with it so far
I've only found one glitch where in the early levels of the game an AK mag floats just behind an enemy
also people complaining about dying so quickly, ever thought that they were trying to make it as realistic as possible?
When I played the open Beta I found you died way too fast as well, it was simply no fun to get shot out of nowhere just to die.
Think they needed a thing similar to BC2 where you could play normal (takes a few extra hits to die) or hardcore (die really easily).
It amazes me that this game actually has a hardcore mode....what exactly does that entail since you drop dead at the drop of a hat in regular mode? You just have to see an enemy and die?
With exception of removing the crosshairs, I saw no difference.
I take back what I said about this game earlier; I've spent some more time with it and actually really enjoy it. I still don't find it as rewarding as BFBC2 but it's not as bad as I made it out to be originally.