****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

THE SP sniper bit was hard, kept not being able to find the targets, i would shoot three he would say theres a guy left but couldnt find him.

Was only at the end i realised i can switch to two thermal modes, which help massivly :D

same with some other parts of the game it never lets you know what your suposed to do like in th helicopter it doesnt tell you to hold 4 for hellfire missiles...

on the car bit for the airport i expect you can press 4 there to aswell as using the scroll wheel to change between the different attacks
When I played the Apache section it said in text at the top of the screen to hold 4 for Hellfire missiles?

Found a bug as well. After the Chinook crash when you've just got your knife I found a weapon and shot the guy when you crawl through the gap rather than knifing him. Scripted event didn't start where you jumped down automatically so i had to reload from the checkpoint. A very stupid and frustrating bug. It actually said I could shoot him if I wanted to! Should have been picked up in playtesting easily enough. Went back to finish the SP mode and got some really bad stuttering when it was smooth as silk the first time round?
Great!!! Just had the HellFire Mission Glitch now I have to start the level again but i really cant be bothered now:mad:

..i think im stuck on this also. It's the 1st level and i can't fire missiles at the trucks on the runway.

...the only way to bypass this is not to die during the level ...
Great!!! Just had the HellFire Mission Glitch now I have to start the level again but i really cant be bothered now:mad:
Just started playing and got to this bit, had no idea trucks were coming from the edge of the screen and obviously failed. Come the restart even holding e doesn't do that much. Lame. :(
Gotta say I'm quite disappointed with this game, the multiplayer maps are too small, no gun recoil/bullet spread and it's death in 1 or 2 bullets. It takes no skill to kill anyone, simply point and hold MB1 then hope for the best!

What a waste of £30 :(
Just started playing and got to this bit, had no idea trucks were coming from the edge of the screen and obviously failed. Come the restart even holding e doesn't do that much. Lame. :(

Excatly what happened to me. Loads of people have been complaining about it. My mate who finished it last night said it happened to him on the 360 version too. What are the developers playing at?!?!!?
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I'm stuck on a bit that says I need to "rain down CAS", pressed every key but nothing happens, usually a laser designator appears in my hand with no intervention from me but not this time.

Never mind. Went back a check point and it worked.
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