It's simple, the 470 is basically on par with a 6870, the 470 is known to clock very well, result from the 6870 clocking look poor and there is no guarantee of volt adjustment as with some non reference 5850/70 cards. I guess we will have to see some 6870 OC v 470 OC results but needles to say a 470 overclocked to 750+ on the core nets massive gains in performance.
Hardly tessellation heavy titles, I guess the 6870's massive 900 core helps it out in these titles. See the heaven benchmarks for tessellation performance, it's not much better than 5850 performance from the results I've seen.
Does not compute with Guru's review? Both Dirt 2 and Metro 2033 work better on 6870.
Hardly tessellation heavy titles, I guess the 6870's massive 900 core helps it out in these titles. See the heaven benchmarks for tessellation performance, it's not much better than 5850 performance from the results I've seen.