*** Official 7 Days to Die Thread ***

So what's the goal of this game? I mean in stuff like Minecraft you built things. Not trying to rag on the game, it does look good, but what's the general goal other than surviving?

Edit: Oh I see, it's more like tower defence.
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Anyone else backed on kickstarter still not got a key yet? I've done the survey etc. I guess they are a bit overwhelmed.
what do you think of it? like the look of the videos, but not normally a huge fan of all that crafting malarkey!

Well, obviously there are lots of functions that haven't been included (such as a full map) however despite this, I think this game can be a really really good game. The premise is to build somewhere safe to defend, which has to be done through the day, from the hard zombies of the night - so time is of the essence. As the days progress (I've seen up to day 40 and gets a bit buggy from what i've heard) there are more and more zombies and it becomes harder to defend. One minute you think your army fortress is safe whilst you mine and the next you have a a horde that has actually dug their way down to get you in your mine (meaning you can be trapped with them) lol. With some clan elements and a nice big map this will be a lot better. Just make sure you are not out at night (on a roof or dig a hole lol)
Videos are a lie :p

They are no where near that state of the game yet. The only things you can do right now is some basic crafting and running around killing zombies. You pretty much win the game if you climb up a ladder as zombies can't climb or jump.

Potential is there though and I'm looking forward to what comes later but right now there's no point in buying it other than to support the developer.
Got a borrow of an alpha build, really enjoyable..

The crafting will be easy for anyone used to minecraft, the style of play is very conductive towards multi players joining together, which can only be a good thing..

Plus the zombie noises freak me out :)
Great fun at night time, just on day one just now.. So there aren't that many zombies around..

Blow a hole in the ground with your shotgun then lead them intl a trap :)


Night time certainly adds to it..

Just got access today.

Got killed a few times during my first night, managed to survive the second by barricading myself in a metal shed and shotgun-blasting when the eventually broke through.

Can see this being quite fun co-op with friends, if you like the mix of minecraft/tower defense/zombie survival.

Oh, and zombies can climb ladders now, and there are versions that can walk up walls, so no more ladder insta-win :p
Bought this today with 2 mates.

Came along at a good time, because I'm a bit of a late comer to the minecraft addiction. :p

Can see this being tough on your own, but the 3 of us have been pilling our resources together, it's been manageable at night. On the current house we dug a 2 block deep trench around the house and filled it with spikes. Did a pretty good job until they broke a few then tunneled under then up into the house. :eek:
I really like the look of this but at £23 for a game that's not even finished, I just can't see myself jumping in.

This early access thing has stung me 3 times already and I don't fancy wasting cash on an unfinished product again.
another good point. I actually jumped a few times. In one of the sounds their is a baby crying....freaky..

The friends i play with think i'm going mad because it seems i am the only one who can hear the baby crying sounds. May be i am but i can still hear them damn sounds lol
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