*** Official 7 Days to Die Thread ***

Yeah finally done took them ages I think it was due to a lot of people needing a complete reinstall to get it downloaded.

Anyway server is up and running now, changed land claim to 20x20 as well. So we finally have Alpha 9 and random maps.
Different server now? No longer CPC? I have the old one in my favourites, but it says it needs a password now, and it appears to not have a name?
The server is called Land of the Dead the ip and Port are the same though, you can find password info here:


Game has far to many hackers and 0 hacker protection to keep it open when people are not around. Sad that we need to password it but we do :/

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Another update just hit:

Official Alpha 9.1 Release Notes


Added “Search…” default text to recipe search field
Added pickup items in the game now show item name
Added about 35 new locations to the random gen spawn list including army camps, all old businesses, ghost town and factory locations
Added claw hammer and recipe. It upgrades faster than a stone axe or wrench
Added home maintenance volume II which unlocks the hammer to rare book loot
Added military munitions crate to the police station prefab and made military munitions loot crates harder to get to at the army camps


Changed spawning so zombies and animals re-spawn faster in biomes
Changed compass so it never hides and adjusted Tooltip messages and backpack so they never overlap and shrank tooltip text size
Changed recipe search to now search across all categories
Changed made the player map icons about 1.5 to 2 times bigger
Changed increased max zoom out on map
Changed added new sleeping bag house icon that’s easier to see on the map and compass
Changed increased chance to find rural hubs from 70% to 85% in random gen
Changed increased possible max rural lots to 4 locations in random gen
Changed slightly increased chance to find Wilderness POIs in random gen
Changed inhaling sound is now only played after you are under water for a minimum number of seconds or take drowning damage
Changed background color for offline friends to a darker gray to be visible on friends list
Changed stack limit on sticks from 64 to 250
Changed stack limit on trophies from 10 to 64
Changed doorknob stack limit from 10 to 64
Changed stack limit on shotgun shells to 128
Changed stack limit on feathers to 250
Changed stack limit on buckshot to 250
Changed increased stack limit on all jarred items to 15
Changed scrap lead to be in the junk category, reducing its chance to spawn in trash
Changed redwood planks no longer downgrade to a frame that was never built in the first place
Changed and removed some underwater messages that were redundant or self-evident
Changed all recipe colors for known, unknown, craft-able and un-craftable and the recipe header color
Changed removed fuel “Burn Time” text and moved the header and timer for campfire
Changed removed show friends icons game option it’s now hard-coded true
Changed chainsaw is now able to attack also frame blocks
Changed reduced probability of getting the Iron helmet schematic was too common
Changed Improved dogs play pain animation functions
Changed Increased the weight of pistol parts to be divisible by scrap iron
Changed improved mip mapping setting for decals atlas so that street lines render at greater distances


Fixed grass blocking collision when hunting or fighting zombies also improves looting of zombies in the grass
Fixed Spawning/re-spawning on top of buildings/above ground.
Fixed all known friends list and invite problems
Fixed displaying friends or other players sleeping bags on the compass
Fixed not being able to see all screen resolutions, now uses scrolling drop down
Fixed game options list getting cut off sometimes
Fixed drowning buff was sometimes not removed when leaving the water
Fixed all bedrolls showing on compass
Fixed bedrock not spawning under some places in map
Fixed land mines and trunk tips not giving damage when on top of them
Fixed server browser search to no longer be case sensitive
Fixed server browser sort header clicking
Fixed favorites server list column headers
Fixed explosion resistance on player armor
Fixed random gen wilderness POI placement
Fixed random gen wilderness POI terrain trimming
Fixed random gen floating wilderness prefabs
Fixed random gen wilderness prefabs not being set at the correct y Offset
Fixed random gen rural lot spacing so one prefab will not cut off another
Fixed cloth gloves values to be consistent with cloth items
Fixed wasteland car04 now drops scrap iron
Fixed textures on wooden upgradable inside corner wedges and ramps to be correct
Fixed player placed dirt self-breaking. Seems to be when dirt is placed on top of more dirt
Fixed sawmill rotation to 0 for facing the road and set proper y offset
Fixed terrain in random gen around wilderness POIs being cut down to dirt and clay
Fixed backpacks on slopes, stairs and sometimes terrain are swallowed up, elevated to the next open Y coordinate, or simply just not appearing
Fixed decayed brick recipe uses fertile dirt instead of dirt
Fixed debuff items showing wrong description
Fixed Inventory Menu render order
Fixed planted maple seeds now grow maple trees instead of pines
Fixed supply crates have a chance drop keystones in MP games
Fixed english.txt for Pickup items
Fixed bug in code that snaps terrain to cubed blocks
Fixed bug where crafting search box would stay active after closing inventory
Fixed possible ArrayOutOfBoundsException in the context of random terrain generation
Fixed augers so they can impact surfaces you can shoot through like frames
Fixed improved Stag in water. Pig is too low, rabbit still seems to run atop the surface. Needs more work still. Bounding box issues most likely.
Fixed grid spacing collision for drag and drop on belt, backpack and crafting grid so accidental item drops are not possible
Fixed bug where dog death animation didn’t play right away
Fixed cook button being off center
Fixed server browser not filtering by server version
Fixed problem that cars could not be opened again after looting


There are no changes to the serverconfig.xml

Known Issues

32 bit Operating Systems can run out of memory sometimes. We’re still optimizing this

Come and join us:

Recent updates have been quite good, been playing it with a few friends and having a good laugh on it!
Recent updates have been quite good, been playing it with a few friends and having a good laugh on it!

It is good but the infinite map imo is to much. The game will make biomes as you reach them and from what I understand will go on forever it will just keep generating biomes until you run out of HDD space (server space). I agree random gen is the way to go for this game but the map does need a size limit. Otherwise people walk for miles and you will hardly see anyone, unless you all build at spawn, everyone spawns pretty close.
I bought 5 copies of this in the sale for our org as it seems like a fun group game.

Got a couple of questions though...

1) Im hosting a server for us at the moment, and once it was up and we were in, for some reason the 2 members who were able to join (2 unable due to separate hardware problems) would seemingly have their landscape stop. Its like the server stopped streaming landscape data to the client. If they walk into it, they're locked in there. The one time that happened, he was right with me and fortunately able to build a sleeping bag and quit.
The cost of dedicated server slots seems cheap, so this may be the route we take anyway (£3.75 for 5 slots for a month, cant complain) but it'd be nice to figure out a few things like this first.

2) I cant for the life of me understand how things are saved. I see theres a client save file, and for a dumb while i thought maybe its all client-side... but if im alone and doing stuff, leave the server and then later on someone else joins, it has to know whats changed, so it cant possibly be entirely client side either. I cant find a file created or modified today (90min into the day helps) aside from client saves, server config info, and thats about it.

3) We had 10.1 earlier, and 10.2 released after we'd had about an hour together in there. I had to restart the server in order to connect to it (after updating both). I appear to be back at day 1 8am again.
Witcher, you mentioned trying to get the host to implement a backup feature due to potential disruption on there. Is there already such a feature which i can do as its entirely local? I've no idea if things get progressively worse as the days go on, or if its all fairly meaningless beyond day/night influences.

4) We're playing with a password on, we just want to play ourselves really, at least for now. As the servers clock keeps moving, is our house going to get attacked when we're all offline and night comes? I've got things on extremely tame at the moment, but eventually we'll want a challenge too. Is there a way to have the clock stopped when we're not online?

Im enjoying it so far, probably need to tweak the settings as we havent had hordes come to us, our base seems fairly peaceful (no night, time is moving pretty slowly) but hopefully we'll find a nice balance.
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