*** Official 7 Days to Die Thread ***

EOff to work but quickly on the save issue it is all located here, player data and world data:

C:\Users\youruser\Documents\7 Days To Die\Saves\nameofyourworld

If you host on your own PC that is, if you want a host use ping perfect and yes they now offer backups.

Google 7 Days To Die server manager by I think they are called front runner tek or something like that. They do they do the best one, lots of features and easy world and player backups.
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Yeah, i tried that first and ran into issues with putty errors, then ran the basic version and it worked, and we just wanted to get up and running really.

I had another look at the hosts and saw PlugPayPlay (75p/slot) had a 1wk trial, so gonna give that a go and see whats possible. There appears to be a 'create backup' option in the control panel, but ive no idea if thats simply to backup the config files or if its something bigger than that, for backing up the game world.
I'll probably take another look at the server manager with this host, i'd expect it to be simpler and i know its running etc.

I did look at Ping Perfect as you'd mentioned you'd moved there, but it was twice the price. I looked at GameServers too but it was the same price as PP (min 8 slots) and i think the lack of private options put me off, although i guess i could still password it, it just put me off. Only reason i went with PPP was price and a free trial too, see if it fixed the issues persisted for the 2 losing the world data.

The game (world/player) data, that still doesnt explain how someone would join a server and the server be different than it was yesterday, the world data has to be stored on the server, within steam, or a master server or something. I couldnt find a file which appeared to be the world data for the server, only player data. Thats whats confused me.
If you are hosting the world is saved on your pc in the location I gave you. They store as region files, when someone joins the server you host the world is loaded from your pc. If I was hosting on my PC and the seed I used was "Land of the Dead" I would find the region files here:

C:\Users\username\Documents\7 Days To Die\Saves\Random Gen\LandoftheDead\Region

With server hosting you pay for what you get. If you go cheap expect lots of downtime and lag.

When you use paid for hosting the world and player data is stored on the hosts storage and you can ftp into it to access it.
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ah, ok. I assumed that was player files rather than the dedi ones.

Just in there with the same 2ppl as yesterday, new world due to moving servers. I got infected on my way to the same location we were in yesterday, carried on till i died, and when i respawned my backpack was on the roof of the house (saw something similar last night when it happened to a mate when he left). So i decided to run to one of the army bases and get the sandbags to build a lazy staircase. I used a sleeping bag in the base, collected 80% of the sandbags and all the mines, brushed against the wire fence and died. Spawned, and no backpack :/ wasnt impressed. Fortunately i could get some of the remaining sandbags, but lost a load of stuff from my trip there. :(
Do you know whether i can reset the server and it carry on at the same place? I havent added any admins, and the game is going far too slowly. The server was created around 3am and its only at 9pm in-game, so 13hrs passed in 15hrs IRL. I want to be able to adjust things, either in the xml or console, but without admin status i cant use console it seems.

I put the DayNightLength to 360, thinking 6hrs = 1 day... but clearly thats incorrect. What is a more reasonable timeframe? Im torn between days that fly by and nights being so long it'd be boring. I also had 20% night, mainly because we didnt want long periods at night (1h night, 5h day seemed reasonable).

45min & 35% night seems very short, does it not, however if 360 isnt 360min per day in-game, then it'd make more sense if that was about 2h.

It seems like cos we're new and not really into joining public servers, we dont know what popular settings are used, and how we want to change things to suit our intentions. I know we'll need to crank the difficulty up, cos our area seems very safe now, but the sun is just on the horizon and i know night time is when things get worse, im just not sure whether its too soft in difficulty, cos its only day 1, or if theres something else needing a crank up.

oh, and just seen in the mod installer, theres 'BackupTool' but i dont see anything i can do with it.
Yeah resetting the server is fine, in fact you have to every 8 hours or so cause it still has massive memory leaks. If you stop the server you will go back to day one, all your stuff stays but it will be day one so the zombies wont be as hard. I think they get harder every 7 days or something. To keep the days you need to stop the server via the games console as admin afaik.

We had the cycle set to 45 mins and night was 35% of that time. That was actually quite a nice setting that everyone seemed to agree on. Just try it and see if you want more night then add the cycle to 50mins or something. Set the zombie to the max setting which I think is 5. I can't find the old settings we had at.

EDIT: Found em, might help might not. This was I think about as hard as you could set the game for a PvP server with a ton of zombies.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<property name="ServerPort" value="25635"/> <!-- Port you want the server to listen on. -->
<property name="ServerIsPublic" value="true"/> <!-- Should this server register to master server -->
<property name="ServerName" value=""/> <!-- Whatever you want the name to be. -->
<property name="ServerPassword" value=""/> <!-- Password to gain entry to the server -->
<property name="ServerMaxPlayerCount" value="16"/> <!-- Maximum Concurrent Players -->

<property name="GameWorld" value="Random Gen"/> <!-- Navezgane, MP Wasteland Horde, MP Wasteland Skirmish, MP Wasteland War -->
<property name="GameName" value=""/> <!-- Whatever you want the game name to be -->
<property name="GameDifficulty" value="4"/> <!-- 0 - 4, 0=easiest, 4=hardest -->
<property name="GameMode" value="GameModeSurvivalMP"/> <!-- GameModeSurvivalMP, GameModeSurvivalSP (MP has land protection) -->

<property name="ZombiesRun" value="0" /> <!-- 0 = default day/night walk/run, 1 = never run, 2 = always run -->
<property name="ShowAllPlayersOnMap" value="true" /> <!-- Show other players on minimap and main map? -->
<property name="BuildCreate" value="false" /> <!-- cheat mode on/off -->
<property name="DayNightLength" value="45" />
<property name="FriendlyFire" value="true" /> <!-- Can friendly players damage each other (PvP) -->

<property name="DayCount" value="3" /> <!-- only for horde mode, use 0 for unlimited -->
<property name="FragLimit" value="5" /> <!-- only for deathmatch, use 0 for disabled -->
<property name="MatchLength" value="15" /> <!-- only for deathmatch, use 0 for unlimited -->
<property name="RebuildMap" value="false" /> <!-- true=map is rebuild on next round, false=not -->

<property name="ControlPanelEnabled" value="true"/> <!-- Enable/Disable the control panel -->
<property name="ControlPanelPort" value="25637"/> <!-- Port of the control panel webpage -->
<property name="ControlPanelPassword" value=""/> <!-- Password to gain entry to the control panel -->

<property name="TelnetEnabled" value="false"/> <!-- Enable/Disable the telnet -->
<property name="TelnetPort" value="8081"/> <!-- Port of the telnet server -->
<property name="TelnetPassword" value=""/> <!-- Password to gain entry to telnet interface -->

<property name="DisableNAT" value="true"/> <!-- set this to true if your router doesn't support NAT -->
<property name="AdminFileName" value="serveradmin.xml"/> <!-- Server admin file name -->

<property name="DropOnDeath" value="0" /> <!-- 0 = everything, 1 = toolbelt only, 2 = backpack only, 3 = delete all -->
<property name="DropOnQuit" value="0" /> <!-- 0 = nothing, 1 = everything, 2 = toolbelt only, 3 = backpack only -->

<property name="CraftTimer" value="1" /> <!-- 0 = None (instant), 1 = Normal, 2 = Fast (double speed) -->
<property name="LootTimer" value="1" /> <!-- 0 = None (instant), 1 = Normal, 2 = Fast (double speed) -->

<property name="PlayerDamageGiven" value="2" /> <!-- 0 = Very Low 50%, 1 = Low 75%, 2 = Medium 100%, 3 = High 150%, 4 = Very High 200% -->
<property name="PlayerDamageRecieved" value="2" /> <!-- 0 = Very Low 50%, 1 = Low 75%, 2 = Medium 100%, 3 = High 150%, 4 = Very High 200% -->
<property name="EnemySenseMemory" value="60" /> <!-- Time, in seconds, that a zombie will pursue something that has been sensed. -->
<property name="EnemySpawnMode" value="5" /> <!-- 0 = Disabled 0%, 1 = Very Low 50%, 2 = Low 75%, 3 = Medium 100%, 4 = High 125%, 5 = Very High 150% -->
<property name="EnemyDifficulty" value="0" /> <!-- 0 = Normal, 1 = Feral -->
<property name="NightPercentage" value="35" /> <!-- percentage in whole numbers -->
<property name="BlockDurabilityModifier" value="100" /> <!-- percentage in whole numbers -->

<property name="LootAbundance" value="50" /> <!-- percentage in whole numbers -->
<property name="LootRespawnDays" value="3" /> <!-- days in whole numbers -->

<property name="LandClaimSize" value="15"/> <!-- Size in blocks that is protected by a keystone -->
<property name="LandClaimDeadZone" value="30"/> <!-- Keystones must be this many blocks apart (unless you are friends with the other player) -->
<property name="LandClaimExpiryTime" value="10"/> <!-- The number of days a player can be offline before their claims expire and are no longer protected -->
<property name="LandClaimDecayMode" value="0"/> <!-- Controls how offline players land claims decay. All claims have full protection for the first 24hrs. 0=Linear, 1=Exponential, 2=Full protection until claim is expired. -->
<property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier" value="4"/> <!-- How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is online. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 32x -->
<property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier" value="0"/> <!-- How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is offline. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 32x -->
<property name="AirDropFrequency" value="48"/> <!-- How often airdrop occur in game-hours, 0 == never -->
<property name="SaveGameFolder" value="c:/games/173_199_78_17_25635/1133621/7daystodie/Saves" /> <!-- DO NOT CHANGE THIS -->
<property name="MaxSpawnedZombies" value="100"
<property name="EACEnabled" value="true"/>

You might have a few more settings, this ini was from 10.1 I think.
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Thanks for that. Had a bit of a mare with it all. I was certain the trial was 1wk, turns out it was 1 day (maybe i saw the stupid game title and misread) and they shut it down while we were in there.
I was SO impressed, i went straight to PingPerfect and ordered from them, nearly twice the price but wasnt impressed there wasnt an option to keep the server, they just terminated it and moved on.

Im going with 60min for now, still kinda feel like its a bit fast, but we might also find its far too easy spending hours scavenging and whatnot between darkness. I've also added the ability to set the time, might be fine in a public server, but i kinda feel like i want to come back to the same sort of time we left it, not 3 days later cos we werent around. I've given the others access to the settime command, so they can reset it to whatever time we'd left it if im not around so they can carry on.

Dont think we'll be moving to 5 difficulty any time soon though :D we havent had a night yet, but if its too easy then we'll keep cranking it up a notch.

I've not been able to use the Server Manager for both hosts either. Im using the IP and port (port & query port) from the email, and ive tried both the account password and the '7dtd panel/Telnet password', with both Telnet and Webconsole. Telnet says they didnt respond after 20+sec, webconsole says timeout after 1sec
Any ideas?

Very impressed with it though, everyone has been tbh, we just cant help but wish we could have this level of crafting and whatnot, with the Day-Z (ARMA3) engine for its glorious graphics and huge map (we're sticking with Navez for now).
Well I think I'm going to give up playing this for a while - at least until the prolific hacking situation is under control. Probably spent a good 20 hours this weekend alone with some friends on a public server (with the anti-cheat enabled) building up supplies and starting a very awesome underground base. After a decent two-day scavenging run, we get back to the base (which by the way is completely hidden under a hill - there is no visible entry point as you need to dig to even get to the main entrance) and start forging some more iron when we hear the clunk of reinforced concrete being placed.

Low and behold, some nobber noclipping through the walls placing it all over our base, blocking off rooms and chests etc. Pumped him full of lead to no avail. At that point I thought ******** to it and quit, haven't gone back on since.

Shame, because it has such simple but intuitive gameplay and is ruined by people exploiting and hacking their way through it - but which game doesn't have this problem these days? It's just annoying that I've had it happen on three different servers in a row. Not wasting my time with it until more work is done.
yeah, sounds rather carp.

I havent done any public servers, not really interested in PvP. I've now bought the game for all 8 members (primarily a BF 'clan') and i've spent FAAAR too much time playing this game and really enjoying it, but doing that on a dedicated server and its £6.60/mo for 6 slots (most we've had on together is 5 and 3 keys were bought after the server) and so its fine for what we want. Maybe we'll try public eventually, but were more into the survival aspect - scavenge, build, live.

Finally managed to get to the bottom of the issues we've been having on the server. Their XML files were completely screwed, i removed theirs and uploaded mine from the dedi files downloaded from steam and it all works. I can now place torches on walls and do upgrades. Its pretty f'ing impossible when you cant turn wood frame & rebar into wood blocks and concrete blocks! Had to creative mode it instead, which is rather lame. All good now though.
Anyone still messing around on this ? Just thought I would re-install over the weekend and wandering if there are any OCUK groups out there in Zombie Land ....
I think the issue is the game has to many hackers still, once the game had a bucket load of players but hackers have kind of made people stop playing. To many hours building bases and gathering supplies that is wasted in 2 mins when a hacker attacks the servers and destroys all bases and chests. Put me of playing that is for sure, Steam charts will say it still has a lot of players still but they are either in SP or locked MP servers, which is a real shame as I pumped about 700 hours into this game, so much fun.
Damn that's a shame, spent a good chunk of this weekend on a locked MP server with a mate. Will have to watch this space then I guess.
I've got a rented server for this at the moment that me and my mate occasionally have a bash on when a new update comes out - tbh it's probably a waste at the moment as we don't play it enough but I'm keeping it around as the game is getting better all the time.
I've got a rented server for this at the moment that me and my mate occasionally have a bash on when a new update comes out - tbh it's probably a waste at the moment as we don't play it enough but I'm keeping it around as the game is getting better all the time.

Is it locked? Are you willing to share the details, you might get a few players from here on it, I might jump on and have a play if you do.
Just got this with a friend! Built an awful wooden shack last night but enjoyed doing so!

Need to get into it more, can me and a few friends play in a game togeather that is private? Or does it have to be on a server that exists already?
I only play with 1 or 2 friends using survival mode on the hardest settings with zombies always run, It is very hard but a lot of fun. Better than the hacked online servers.

I create a private mp game and my friends join it, The only problem is I have 0 ping and my friends have 50ms pings.
Is this any good singleplayer?

Ive played about an hour but all that happened was chopping down a tree, walking for ages, finding a house then being killed :p
Is this any good singleplayer?

Ive played about an hour but all that happened was chopping down a tree, walking for ages, finding a house then being killed :p

It really depends on if you like survival games tbh. When you get a crossbow or guns and make armour and fortify your home / base / castle / fort that you build then yes it is a good game.
I've put over 100 hours in mostly co-op with a friend and recently started a single player map on navezgane for the first time, up til now had only played random map.

Am really enjoying it, have taken over a western town and am connecting each building with bridges to escape the hordes :D
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