*** Official 7 Days to Die Thread ***

Anyone else got this recently?

If you have fancy teaming up for some co-op action, watched a fair bit of youtube action, so kinda know what I am doing!
This game is truly an exception to the rule. It incorporates most of the elements I've sought after in recent years, namely both first and third person perspectives, survivalist/RPG elements, and destruction of the environment. Couple the aforementioned with more pleasing visuals than Minecraft and you have a game with incredible potential! What's more, it even features a single-player aspect, unlike most survivalist games of late.
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I've got both, 7 days to die is nowhere as pretty as Dayz and is a bit rough round the edges. It is however very tough (the mode I play on).
Day time - loads of crafting/exploring/find a base during the day
Night time - patch up your base whilst it's being ripped to shreds by the horde + fight the zombies off, once you get in to the game it is exciting. I concrete blocked up the doors and windows on the ground floor, then metal cladded the concrete blocks. I blocked up the stairs and went into the attic, what I didn't realise was there were a type of zombie that could climb...

Very good exciting game, if you like crafting and zombies you'll enjoy the game.

As a side note there might be a remaining copy from a 2pack for sale in the Members Market place, around the 4th page. ;)
Been watching some of the videos posted further up this page, gonna take the plunge and purchase I think :) Is there a lot of pvp or is it easily avoided if you just want to do your own thing :)

As a side note there might be a remaining copy from a 2pack for sale in the Members Market place, around the 4th page. ;)

Noted ;)
You can play on your own but you have to host a game so either make it private or password protect it. You do get PvP servers but not to the same extreme as DayZ most servers seems to allow fighting in the towns but not out gathering resources. Crafting is insane when you first start so I would suggest looking at this:


But if you guys find a server to play on I will happily play to make the numbers up.
You can play on your own but you have to host a game so either make it private or password protect it. You do get PvP servers but not to the same extreme as DayZ most servers seems to allow fighting in the towns but not out gathering resources. Crafting is insane when you first start so I would suggest looking at this:


But if you guys find a server to play on I will happily play to make the numbers up.

How you finding it compared to rust? Tempted by this, the zombies look a hella lot more interesting than the npcs in rust that u can just backpeddle and shoot with a bow.
The zombies can be really badass if you set them at 3+ on the difficulty setting, even more so if you make them run in the settings or find a server that has run on. Not really sure you can compare Rust and this tbh, but for me Rust has a nicer base building system and better PvP. 7 Days is more about survival from the zeds, as at night you do not want to be outside or you will die. It is like a tower defense game at night where you have to set all your traps and stuff. As for PvP I have been on server with PvP but never came across anyone who wanted to fight. Rust and this atm are probs my two fav survival games to play at this point in time. Not to mention the crafting in 7 Days is freaking amazing.

What we really need is some kind of ocuk player server.
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CPC server is up: or search for CPC

Might need some settings changed here and there as things are worked out, 16 players to start with which will be raised if it has demand.

This is now all set so bases can't be raided when the player is offline. You get 14 real days before your keystone will start to decay, so people on holidays etc don't need to worry about bases being wiped. Keystone now protects 25x25 with the stone being the middle block.
No passwords, you must have tried the wrong server? People have been on it today. Try to add the IP and port into the browser at the bottom and then connecting m8 but that is odd indeed. Oh yeah you can now craft keystones and chainsaws.
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Come and join the carnage on Witchers server. Its a great game and is shaping up to be simply awesome. :)

Well 8.7 finally hit last night and after a bit of faffing around we finally got it up and running again. We have made a few changes to the server, if anyone is unhappy feel free to post so it can be discussed. The changes we have made are:

Server will be passworded between 1am and 7am. If a hacker strikes overnight he/they can destroy everything. During the day we can fix most stuff by dropping building crates. Password will be handed out each night before the last admin goes offline.
Keystones now only protect 10x10 so get crafting.
You can not drop a Keystone within 30 blocks of another players Keystone.
Keystone will not degrade for 14 days.
Bases can not be player attacked when offline but they can if player is online.
Feral is off atm for a trial but they still run at night.
Loot is set to 50% and will respawn every 7 days.
Day/Night cycle is 45 mins in total with night being 35% of that time.
VAC is enabled.

The password part, it sucks but it is better then waking up to everything destroyed for everyone, I have been on to the host about making a feature where we can backup the map, they said they are already working on such a feature so fingers crossed that will come into play quickly.

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Hey I stumbled upon your server last night with a friend (Great Server), was just having a look at your website and it turns out your on ocuk :)
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