**Official Abit Fatal1ty FP-IN9 SLI NF650i Owners Thread**

same story here really...
i am at 3.0 (4300) and quite happy to leave it there for now. it does take 1.5 in bios though, i see a dip to 1.475 in windows. 1.31 nb and ram at 2.0.
it all seems stable with benchmarks, temps have come down to high fifties with orthos - could be the voltage? - was originally higher with more volts.
also tried this with my vista install and no problems, so seems to be a solid board if you dont over do it but i am interested to see if an 8 pin connector makes a difference.
hi guys i have a bit of a dillema

while waiting for my fatality board i purchased a gigabyte ds4, im a bit of a noob at overclocking but have got my e4300 and ballistix 5300 running very stable at 3.2

my fatality arrived today and im debating if i should make the switch from the ds4

is the nforce 650i a better chipset , the board doesnt seem to be as overclocker friendly as the ds4

i suppose i could always sell the fatality on

i jumped from a x24400 socket 939 system and to be honest the new system is quicker in vista but not a massive improvement, i dont game on pcs so maybe if i did i would have noticed a big difference
well took it back to the shop this morning and the motherboard was dead.
so got a new one and im up and running just installing vista atm
I'd like to know how a 4-pin to 8-pin converter would work, cant get one in my town so i'll have to mailorder, wouldnt one of these provide less power than a converter with molex connectors?..or is it about even distribution of power?

Emu, i'd stick with what youve got if it works, though i have a feeling that once abit sort out some bios updates this board will start showing it's better qualities.

WDeranged said:
I'd like to know how a 4-pin to 8-pin converter would work, cant get one in my town so i'll have to mailorder, wouldnt one of these provide less power than a converter with molex connectors?..or is it about even distribution of power?


I think they use 2 4 pin connectors ie the type you put into a cd/dvd drive or older types of hdd, as well as the 4 pic connector to the motherboard.

im only going off a picture on the internet i saw
Yeah that would make more sense to me but ive seen straight 4-pin to 8-pin converters, just wondering if theres a difference because im short on molex plugs ;)

have a look at where the traces from the 2 4-pin sections of the 8-pin connector actually go.
On the AW9D they go to common traces so if you had a 4-pin PSU there was no real point in getting an adaptor as all you ere doing was splitting the feed only to have it recombined ...
I prefer the fatality simply because it didnt blow up :)

Two p5n-e boards died on me, both at low clocks, the fatality isnt as happy with overclocking but you can still get it up there in the end, only issues are the 8-pin atx connector and the molex socket next to it, power hungry board it seems.

WDeranged said:
I prefer the fatality simply because it didnt blow up :)

Two p5n-e boards died on me, both at low clocks, the fatality isnt as happy with overclocking but you can still get it up there in the end, only issues are the 8-pin atx connector and the molex socket next to it, power hungry board it seems.

Thanks for the input WDeranged. Much appreciated. :)

Anyone had both boards working fine though?

I remember when the P5N-E first hit and everyone was looking at 3.2-3.4GHz with a E4300. I'm guessing the lack of BIOS updates from Abit (probably due to Cebit) is an issue at the moment.

The P5N-E has a more mature BIOS, however isn't as well build (isn't wide enough, so the right side flexes when sticking in memory for example) and doesn't have a removable BIOS, although there is a failsafe feature that works against an overclock gone too far.

I've RMA'd my P5N-E due to a dead channel A, so i'll give it another try. Fingers crossed everything holds up as i'm quite tempted to call OCUK and ask for a Fatal1ty board instead. If the P5N-E does fail again with my memory (tested on another P5N-E and memtests/blends just fine), I won't hesitate to get the Fatal1ty.
fp in9 650 sli BIOS issues

Regardingb the issues with te BIOS on this board, please be rest assured that im nagging abit to get things sorted for you. Even if the beta bios comes out I will post it for you as soon as I hear about it.

quote from my post on *****

understand your frustrations on these matters. Let me clarify a number of things for, apologies in advance.

With the fp i9sli board the issues WERE raised by myself to the director of abit in the Uk and also with the sales guy ~(cant give names sorry bud) Sean was away on a well deserved break and the rest of the lads were I think they still are at CE-BIT. I only received the board one week before everyone else got it in the UK got it. So whilst I was starting to compose my review for this board I encountered ALL these problems. THe board is a VERY GOOD overclocker, the thing is its very hit and miss at the moment, as well as the Clear CMOS issues etc. THese are the main issues im trying to see through to completion. As I said one of the head Bios writers and the head tech in Tiawan Mr Wei has been away at CE-BIT and is snowed under with work. However I can assure that HE IS aware of all the issues, and I have been 'nagging at abit' to get these issues Resolved forthwith. I can only do so much.

Abit are a company that WILL listen to your views and your VIEWS count just as equaly as somone whom works for abit. I however do not actually work for abit as in such, I review and test their boards and if I find an issue, or I prasie a board they will take a very serious note. I am jsut a user like yourself that has earned a certain level of trust with abit.

I have delayed my review on this matter until aibt release a BETA bios, however the problems to be fair to everyone still have to be noted. AS SOON as I get the BIOS beleive me Ill post it for everyone to access, on the understanding that its BETA.

As I said your views count very much and will be passed onto abit so we can all help to improve boards for the futuer. Some of my views have ALREADY been incorperated into their boards, watch out for them soon

Please feel free TO PM me if you have any issues with any core 2 duo based board. Please be aware that I also have another job during the day so I may not always reply straight away but I WILL reply. b However I beleive Sean is back from holiday so you can also liase with him on these matters.

thank you for your time

FYI PM's dont work on this forum,

but please as soon as beta bios available let us know.

the original bios is dated like pre XMAS. surely they should have a lot of fixes compiled by now!
gilgamesh said:

May I ask what is your relationship with Abit?

If you're in Customer Service then can I give you my brief interpretation of your post?

gilgamesh interpreted by WJA96 said:
The board has promise, but it's currently hobbled with a duff BIOS. I spotted this, even though I only had a week to look at it. We shouldn't have launched it and I told them so. Senior General and Sales management were so desperate for sales we shoved them out the door anyway. They are so embarrassed they work for Abit in the UK they have instructed me not to release their names, just in case the massed overclockers of the UK decide to fill their e-mail boxes with complaints.

To cap it off, ALL of our technical staff have legged it to CeBit on their annual junket and even when they come back, they're so snowed under with work it could be some time before they've ironed out the bugs. In a desperate attempt to stop every Abit 650i owner in the UK sending their boards back for having slightly less than stable performance issues, I'm posting here to tell you not to panic, and that Abit will, eventually, resolve the problems that exist with this motherboard.

Hmmm. I smell desperation. I would definitely think twice about buying any Abit product now, just because Abit sound utterly disorganised and so contemptuous of their customers that they think they can release a half-finished product and then apologise in advance for their inability to fix it because they have prioritised the Engineers visit to a trade fair over getting out a decent, fully working product.

But then, I could be picking you up wrong.
yea i sympathise with gilgamesh, but abit need to bite the bullet and sort these things out.

as i said they havent visitied the BIOS in 3 months+. they must have known from the QuadGT debacle regarding BIOS's that newer improved BIOS's are a must and need to be ready for launch or just after.

note that there are n hardware site reviews of the abit yet either. clearly abits gameplan is to maximise sales before the bad press comes out by releasing the product before sending review samples. guess its my fauly for being suckered in to what could have been a good board.

on t'other forum we have abit employees now stating that the "fatal1ty" range isnt infact for overclockers, merely gaming enthousiasts - yet are maintaining their silence around all issues BIOS related and have also ignored questions pertaining to QUAD core overclocking and whether the 650i will be effected in the same way as the 680i - but if abits attitute is that this ISNT an overclocking board then only the lord can guess as to how much effort they put into the FP-IN9 Fatal1ty.
WJA96 said:
May I ask what is your relationship with Abit?

If you're in Customer Service then can I give you my brief interpretation of your post?

Hmmm. I smell desperation. I would definitely think twice about buying any Abit product now, just because Abit sound utterly disorganised and so contemptuous of their customers that they think they can release a half-finished product and then apologise in advance for their inability to fix it because they have prioritised the Engineers visit to a trade fair over getting out a decent, fully working product.

But then, I could be picking you up wrong.

ERRM i hate to say this buddy, but I DONT work for abit at all, not in any way shape or form. I review there boards, oc them like mad and publish the results, ialso help them on a number of occasions, os this is whati m talking about with the trust level, i DONT work for abit.

I dont make policy and I have only a mariginal influence over abit, but you cna be rest assured I AM nagging abit like crazy to ge this BIOS sorted out.

I amn ot and in anyway an abit employee, i actually work in network support for a college:) I just happen to be a fairly good overclocker that prefers abit boards is all.

PM, me if you need more info buddy, as you may or may not know You will find me in a great many forums as gilgamesh or gilgamesh1 trying to get these issues sorted, however I AM on your side, however I am just a user like yourselves trying to get the issues addressed. FOrgive me I can only do so much.

A BIT more about me, I jsut happen to be one of the winners of the abit oc compo of 2006 an since I have been helping them out in testing/reviewing and giving reports on the their motherboards.


Nickg said:
yea i sympathise with gilgamesh, but abit need to bite the bullet and sort these things out.

as i said they havent visitied the BIOS in 3 months+. they must have known from the QuadGT debacle regarding BIOS's that newer improved BIOS's are a must and need to be ready for launch or just after.

note that there are n hardware site reviews of the abit yet either. clearly abits gameplan is to maximise sales before the bad press comes out by releasing the product before sending review samples. guess its my fauly for being suckered in to what could have been a good board.

on t'other forum we have abit employees now stating that the "fatal1ty" range isnt infact for overclockers, merely gaming enthousiasts - yet are maintaining their silence around all issues BIOS related and have also ignored questions pertaining to QUAD core overclocking and whether the 650i will be effected in the same way as the 680i - but if abits attitute is that this ISNT an overclocking board then only the lord can guess as to how much effort they put into the FP-IN9 Fatal1ty.

Mate please see the other forum, I have answered your question as best I can in regards to quad core

gilgamesh said:
I DONT work for abit.

That's cool. I asked what your relationship was with them. Is it fair to say that you receive product ahead of launch (for free?) and then you write "reviews" for those products?

gilgamesh said:
I dont make policy and I have only a mariginal influence over abit, but you cna be rest assured I AM nagging abit like crazy to ge this BIOS sorted out.

I amn ot and in anyway an abit employee, i actually work in network support for a college:) I just happen to be a fairly good overclocker that prefers abit boards is all.

There is nothing wrong with that, I just like to establish who people are and what their relationship is with people and products they are promoting.

gilgamesh said:
PM, me if you need more info buddy, as you may or may not know You will find me in a great many forums as gilgamesh or gilgamesh1 trying to get these issues sorted, however I AM on your side, however I am just a user like yourselves trying to get the issues addressed. Forgive me I can only do so much.

I've seen you post on five-stars (if I type ***** I get five stars) and your first post on here was a VERY positive "review" of the IN9 680i board.

gilgamesh said:
A bit more about me, I just happen to be one of the winners of the abit oc compo of 2006 an since I have been helping them out in testing/reviewing and giving reports on the their motherboards.

I have no issue with anything you've said, I do have an issue with why you think you've had to say it, and that's why I posted above. If the board is as bad as it seems you should be posting truthful, more negative, reviews and letting users know not to buy it until they fix it. If you don't do that then you will very rapidly get a reputation for being an unreliable source of information. When it's more advertorial than review then you're useless to both Abit and their customers as the customers won't trust your reviews as much and are less likely to buy stuff based on youir recommendation.
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