**Official Abit Fatal1ty FP-IN9 SLI NF650i Owners Thread**

gilgamesh said:
Mate please see the other forum, I have answered your question as best I can in regards to quad core


hi Gilgamesh - that wasnt at you sorry. for example i posted those questions regarding quadcore - no official ABIT answer. i post that FATAL1TY is an overclocking board and within 30 mins Sean UK (whom im presuming works for abit) posts to deny this and tells me that MAX range is for OC and FATAL1TY for gamers....

i guess the point im trying to make is that if abit are so quick to answer that qu, how come they dont answer the difficult questions and instead leave it to speculation?

btw GILGA i do appreciate that you are trying to help and am hopeful that abit will listen and that by doing so improve the quality of their product.

WJA96 said:
That's cool. I asked what your relationship was with them. Is it fair to say that you receive product ahead of launch (for free?) and then you write "reviews" for those products?

There is nothing wrong with that, I just like to establish who people are and what their relationship is with people and products they are promoting.

I've seen you post on five-stars (if I type ***** I get five stars) and your first post on here was a VERY positive "review" of the IN9 680i board.

I have no issue with anything you've said, I do have an issue with why you think you've had to say it, and that's why I posted above. If the board is as bad as it seems you should be posting truthful, more negative, reviews and letting users know not to buy it until they fix it. If you don't do that then you will very rapidly get a reputation for being an unreliable source of information. When it's more advertorial than review then you're useless to both Abit and their customers as the customers won't trust your reviews as much and are less likely to buy stuff based on youir recommendation.

I did some posts on the dayI got the board, and all I did was a quick oc etc
I wrote down my initial thoughts about the board as I did NOT encounter all the problems with the BIOS on that day. SO at the time I recommended the board, although I di point out that these are my initial thoughts on the board, and so far ist looks tobe a great board. The day after I started encountering problems nad I instantly reported them to abit.

I am guilty of posting a little early inregards of my INITIAL thoughts, that I 'jumped the gun' so to speak, however when I got the erros iwas the first to say yes I have only jsut encounteredthese errors myself. So although I should not have jumped the gun, they wre only my initial views only. I STILL recommend this board but ONLY until a decent BIOS is out. I am doing all I can to help everyone out with this issue. You may recall on the 680 review on ***** I did and on other forums, i was scathing about the heat issues on this board, which is mroe of an NVidia problem than an abit problem. I was very happy to see that the 650 runs cooler.

One last point if you looked at the screenshots of the post i posted on five stars, you will have noticed i put comments on the images inregards to the black paint underneath the northbridge heatsink AGAIN. Indeed I wish you could have been a fly on the wall when I encountered all these issues. I still stand by my initial thoughts the board overclocks VERY WELL and indeed oced well overnight under Orthos. When I gopt back from work and oced again using the same settings, those settingas no longer worked, indeed I at the first oppertunity mentioned this.

I am ever so sorry your getting these problems and yes I dont always get 'free' boards Most ofthe time I purchase them like yourselves! SO I understand that you have shelled out for a product and it doesnt work the way it should. However my inital thoughts were correct as I did NOT encounter the errors at that time. However as soon as I DID I confirmed what everyone else was getting.

I am only one man mate, I do hjave influence but only a small amount. Lety me do my part buddy and nag abit to get this BIOS out ASAP. in the meantime can we stick with the tech problems at hand and I will do my utmost to help.

I think the IN932 MAX is VERY VERY GOOD board, I reported its strengths AND its problems is why i also published a short modding guide. I have the 680 i in my system right now and I LOVE the board!! Its the 650 that I have problems with
THank you for your continued patience mate

Nickg said:
on t'other forum we have abit employees now stating that the "fatal1ty" range isnt infact for overclockers, merely gaming enthousiasts -
actually I was the first to post that (& no, I neither work for nor get anything free from abit ).
This should show abit mobo segmentation (that's from the Cebit blurb but the policy goes back over a year, basically to when Universal abit started).
Also see here then click product strategy.
So the Fatal1ty boards aren't designed for max. overclock - if they were how likely is it that you would have an integrated gfx board?
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Nickg said:
hi Gilgamesh - that wasnt at you sorry. for example i posted those questions regarding quadcore - no official ABIT answer. i post that FATAL1TY is an overclocking board and within 30 mins Sean UK (whom im presuming works for abit) posts to deny this and tells me that MAX range is for OC and FATAL1TY for gamers....

i guess the point im trying to make is that if abit are so quick to answer that qu, how come they dont answer the difficult questions and instead leave it to speculation?

btw GILGA i do appreciate that you are trying to help and am hopeful that abit will listen and that by doing so improve the quality of their product.


We abit UK read several forums to try understand the nature of the problems and appreciate any and all feedback you can give us on any of our products.

I will be passing all of your findings and gilgamesh results to abit HQ so that any issues can be resolved.

As mentioned above I did say the Max series was design for OCing and the fatality was for gaming. This doesn’t mean you can't OC on any fatality board it was just a simple answer to a simple question, im sorry for any misunderstandings.

I will try and make time to make myself more available to the forums and try to answer all questions. I will also setup a ftp site with all future beta bios and keep you update on current updates.

Please let me know if there is any thing I can do for you in the future.

Sean Turner
Universal abit UK
on a slightly different note, has anyone had trouble using usb printers with this board? i must admit mine is not very good, lexmark z515, but it says there is a problem communicating with the printer.
all other usb devices work fine.
seanABIT said:
We abit UK read several forums to try understand the nature of the problems and appreciate any and all feedback you can give us on any of our products.

I will be passing all of your findings and gilgamesh results to abit HQ so that any issues can be resolved.

What annoyed me was that Gilgamesh very clearly stated he had discovered these issues prior to launch and the board was still launched as normal. Not only that, but if Gilgamesh had found them, surely pre-production testing the Universal Abit QA department would have thrown at least some of them up? To cap it, Gilgamesh then said that it wasn't even being worked on at that moment because all the engineers had gone to a trade-fair. And then, even when they got back, they were REALLY busy, so maybe it wouldn't be top priority.

It used to be that a manufacturer would put out boards for 'silent' reviews to magazines a few weeks prior to launch and those beta testers would feed back all their experiences and the release board would be better as a result. Now it seems the early purchasers do the beta testing and, for me anyway, your reputation is suffering for it. You almost never see an IN9-MAX recommended on here because of the cost and the issues that were discovered post-launch. For all I know they were never resolved as I sold mine almost immediately as it was actually worse than the EVGA 680i board I also have. It's really sad, because it's so obvious you have a good reputation and it's being damaged by nonsense like this. People have now almost entirely stopped recommending the Abit 650i board because it's not believed to be as stable as the ASUS, and that's saying something!
WJA96 said:
What annoyed me was that Gilgamesh very clearly stated he had discovered these issues prior to launch and the board was still launched as normal. Not only that, but if Gilgamesh had found them, surely pre-production testing the Universal Abit QA department would have thrown at least some of them up? To cap it, Gilgamesh then said that it wasn't even being worked on at that moment because all the engineers had gone to a trade-fair. And then, even when they got back, they were REALLY busy, so maybe it wouldn't be top priority.

It used to be that a manufacturer would put out boards for 'silent' reviews to magazines a few weeks prior to launch and those beta testers would feed back all their experiences and the release board would be better as a result. Now it seems the early purchasers do the beta testing and, for me anyway, your reputation is suffering for it. You almost never see an IN9-MAX recommended on here because of the cost and the issues that were discovered post-launch. For all I know they were never resolved as I sold mine almost immediately as it was actually worse than the EVGA 680i board I also have. It's really sad, because it's so obvious you have a good reputation and it's being damaged by nonsense like this. People have now almost entirely stopped recommending the Abit 650i board because it's not believed to be as stable as the ASUS, and that's saying something!
Whole-heartedly agree with this man.
Nickg said:
hi Gilgamesh - that wasnt at you sorry. for example i posted those questions regarding quadcore - no official ABIT answer. i post that FATAL1TY is an overclocking board and within 30 mins Sean UK (whom im presuming works for abit) posts to deny this and tells me that MAX range is for OC and FATAL1TY for gamers....

i guess the point im trying to make is that if abit are so quick to answer that qu, how come they dont answer the difficult questions and instead leave it to speculation?

btw GILGA i do appreciate that you are trying to help and am hopeful that abit will listen and that by doing so improve the quality of their product.


Nick g i have some more info for you on hte QUAD CORE issue, please see five stars for some more info.

Wolv34ine said:
Its PCI express and its on XP 32 bit.
I wish there was a definative guide as to what software to put on with these boards. Im getting other people saying "just try other drivers"..well I dont like that for two reasons. One, I onyl want to intslal the one set of drivers, so there is no old/new driver conflics. Two, I cant even try the ones I have right now as the installation wont take place.
I used the software on the disk supplied with the mobo..and usually thats all thats needed, except for the actual display drivers.

Im at a loss really, im hoping my new card will somehow magically "work", but if it doesnt, and it probably wont, im still stuck:(
get an app called driver cleaner 3 it's free and safe.
supposedly BIOS 11 should be up soon
"Release BIOS M524B_11.BIN:
1. Fixing boot hang POST code 50h and 6dh.
2. Fixing Command Rate abnormal by Manual
3. Fixing the SoftMenu String
4. Fixing the Memory Timing Setting
5. Fixing the OnChip Audio/LAN select"

Supposed to be a beta 12 next week.
Well here's a scary story for you, i updated to the 11 bios and found no differences apart from now the cpu fan alarm went off every time i rebooted.

I decided to flash it back down to 10 and wait till a confirmed fix comes out, near the end of the flash the bloody fan alarm goes off and the pc turns itself off...

The blood drains from my face and i feel suddenly ill, i turn it back on and get the fastest bleeps i've ever heard while the bios begs for a floppy drive.

I did make a futile attempt taking out the battery and flipping the cmos jumper but it didnt help.

I've screwed a fan to the northbridge and god knows where the plastic cpu socket cover is so im screwed as far as rma is concerned.


My only hope is if i can get hold of a cmos chip from abit but why do i feel this wont be as easy as it should be :-\
Thinking about it, i'd recommend people in a similar situation disable the cpu fan alarm and cut out in the bios, im almost certain this cocked up and ruined my flash.

God i'm annoyed.

THeres companies that make a profit off of bad flashes, they'll charge something like 28 quid for a new chip with a stock bios on it. Sorry I dont know the name off hand though

Or theres also bios angel or something its called, a device that can restore bios info, costs a similar amount but if you knew anyone with one you could request they flash your chip for you.

Last bad flash I had, someone with a trashed board sent me the bios chip from it for free, lucky me
i usually do it in windows tbh!

i have flashed to bios 11, then to beta 12 and then back to 11 again within a half our period of time using abit flashmenu to do the flashing within windows environment.

i found that bios 11 was better for me but still not letting me get to 400fsb stably! (although i am now stabler @ 387.5mhz which is up from 375!
Mista.Gee said:
What's the best way to FLASH the BIOS, also what's the prefered method before you begin the flash and after the flash.

Boot off a floppy drive, flash using the AWDFlash.exe program and then reset CMOS and cold-boot.
my updated results with bios 11 as per the download;

2.92 ghz (365 fsb) i can run @ stock or undervolt the vcore and run the nb @ 1.39

19.5seconds SuperPi 1M

8x 375
Vcore 1.375
vtt 1.39
nb 1.45

18.9s SUperPi 1M

vcore 1.40
vtt 1.5
nb 1.5

18.5s SuperPi 1M

my ram is @ 833mhz 4-3-3-12 t2 @ 2.1v (ballistix 5300 2gb kit) this is 100% comfortable and will do higher/tighter

edit: i have lowered the LDT tried SYNC and UNSYNc modes,

Vdroop; 1.4v in bios = 1.368 in CPUz idle, underload drops to 1.352 and to 1.344 flickering occasionally.

the above scores are orthos dual core stable for 1hour +, with SuperPi32m winamp, and various other processes running.

dont know whether i have a bad board or bad cpu?

edit it crashed after about an hour or so of BF2 @ 387.5fsb :(
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