**Official Abit Fatal1ty FP-IN9 SLI NF650i Owners Thread**

decto said:

Nice overclock, what board is that with?

Maybe I should have got the DS3 with the ASUS died



ASUS P5N-E SLi of course - Read it and weep, Wendel-boy :D
Well, the misery continues with me. Still get that poxy alarm on start up and the post screen freezing wheter it's clocked or not. Done some clocking and hit a brick wall at 3ghz. :( Anything over that and core 0 fails within 20 secs of SP2004. Does'nt matter what voltage i try either. 3GHZ was perfectly stable though and temps never went over 41 degrees. Heres a screenie:-


I suppose it's not bad for a £99 cpu and a £75 mobo. Memories actually at 1T now as well. Still not happy though. Gaming performance with my 7800gt's is dire because i have to use the 93.71 drivers. For some resone these drivers really slash the performance. To give you an example, my old rig (still in siggy) with 91.47, when using the inbuilt benchmarker in Company of Heroes used to get 45 fps average. This damn thing only gets 16.5 fps. Simply unplayable :mad: . All because Sli does'nt work on this board with the 91.47 drivers.

Seriously considering getting rid of this motherboard.
hgm i think you are trying to run before you can walk with this one.

first i think you need to tie down whats causing the alarm.

have you got AbitEQ installed? if so check out the voltage limits within that some may (WILL) need upping to allow you to OC without beepings.

have you tried 1x gfx card and 91.71 drivers to compare performance that way?

Also, bump your RAM up to 2.2v. mine was crapping out on me @ 750Mhz 3-3-3-10 @ 2.1V and throwing up errors in Memtest on tests 5+6. now it can pass both fine multiple times @2.2vdimm.

also, get your NB and CPUVTT voltage up to around 1.4 each. let me know what happens.
Can you describe the alarm?
If it's a repeating hi lo tone that's usually an rpm, temp or voltage outwith the set warning level - it may just be that your HSF is slow to spin up or running slower than the board @ default expects.
Can some of you look over these images and let me know if i'm on the right track?
Am i right in thinking this is about as far as i should go on stock cooler?

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Great time for just stock cooler. 80c is a bit high really though Ive done the same, what does coretemp say
I think time to get a better HSF yes

What volts are you using?
btw & just to let you all know that the reason that the abit-USA forum is down is that apparently a massive power surge hit the building they are in and knocked out 3 of their 6 servers, incl. the one that housed the Forums. They had a very recent backup of the forum but that server was knocked out as well.
From what I understand both mirrored drives in the servers were also damaged. They are working on recovering the data from those drives.
BUFF said:
btw & just to let you all know that the reason that the abit-USA forum is down is that apparently a massive power surge hit the building they are in and knocked out 3 of their 6 servers, incl. the one that housed the Forums. They had a very recent backup of the forum but that server was knocked out as well.
From what I understand both mirrored drives in the servers were also damaged. They are working on recovering the data from those drives.

Sounds like their infrastructure people need re-educating about protecting computer equipment from power surges and the Systems Implementation people need to be looking at how they have these systems operating. Even if they were pretty cavalier about the forums server it must have been a pretty bad surge to take out 3 machines and simultaneously damage hard drives while it did it. Just purely from supposition I would have thought their mirrored arrays would have been multiple-disk spanning jobs anyway. Maybe just an old cheapo machine on an unisolated line for the forums?
Would this alarm keep happening if there was no cpu cooler? I am on watercooling but i do have a fan plugged into the sys fan next to the cpu fan header and it is set to cpu as it states in the manual. I have the fan fail alarm disabled along with cpu fan EQ control disabled as well in PCHealth in the bios.

Voltages are well within limits in Abit EQ. Temps are very low so it can't be that. It is a high low beep and it does it at stock as well. I just had to boot four times to get started up as it kept freezing at the post screen again. I am at stock at the moment.

One card works fine with 91.47 and i tried both cards seperately. Plug them both in and no Sli. Uninstall, run driver cleaner, reboot, install 93.71 and both cards are detected but i have abysmal performance. It was the same with my 939 rig as well with 93.71. My cards simply do not like these drivers.

Memory is fine at 2.1v. That's what Geil recommends anyway. It ran Memtest for over 8 hours at 4-4-4-12 1T with no errors at all. I am also running unlinked to get the most out of the memory.

What is the CPU VTT voltage setting? I have'nt played with that yet. I have had the NB and CPU Voltage up to 1.6v and that did'nt do anything except get thing heated up a bit more. I have a 120mm fan blowing across the NB heatsink. The SB is right next to one of my 120mm intake fans so that has good airflow.

I will have a play with the CPU VTT and get back to you.
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Had enough of this heap of junk now. Back down to 2.7ghz as it kept falling over at 3ghz. This is after running Orthos at 3gig for 12 hours last night with no problems. I am sick and fed up with problem after problem. I can't even play games as i have to use 93.71. I am returning it under the DSR's. I don't see why i have to put up with this any longer. I will do without a main pc for a few weeks until i can afford a 8800 of some flavour and a DECENT motherboard.

Thanks to those who tried to help. :(
Sorry to hear that Pastymuncher :(. Sorry i couldn't remember what CPU u had? Sounds like ABIT have a lot of issues to sort out on this mobo. It defiently looks like i'll be ordering an ASUS 650i then. People seem to have had far less problems with that board and there is even a vdroop mod out so that wont be a problem either.
It's a 4300. I would'nt have minded if it was just a poor clocker as it's a stop gap until the price drops/new 4mb L2 63/6400 cores are out. It's the damn instability that's the problem along with the graphics driver incompatiability.
i had issues with non boot when i enabled

"shutdown on CPU Fan Fail" (well words to those effect) in the bios screen. turn that setting off and look at others see if it helps! (PWM CPU Fan i dont think my system understands ON/Off/50%)
I've already played about with those Nickg. It has to be disabled anyway as i am on watercooling. Did'nt make the slightest difference though. Abit has been worse than useless. Not had an answer from the email i sent them on Friday. No answer on the Abit forum at PCpro. I have had enough now and am cutting my losses with this one. It's going back and i am getting refunded. Just have to save up for a 8800 now and then i will get something like a DS3. At least they work. Thanks for the help.

just for your info

i cant get my machine to boot @ 3.2ghz (400FSB) it locks on the post screen each time.

i cant even get it to run @ 750 FSB atm it keeps crapping out before it fully POSTS! gash.
This may be useful

Removed my northbridge HSF today to find it's installed with a carpy 1mm thick heat transfer pad!

Bare core

Pad as installed

A slightly peeled view

AS5 applied, thicker than a CPU to as the writing on the core is raised

HSF - ridges filled with AS5 before fitting

Results in next post as I can only post 5 pics I think !

Right, that will teach me to post while running othos at max OC. A little retyping required.

To keep it short, I found that Higher NB voltage caused issues with freezing in the BIOS. >1.4v... prior to AS5ing the HSF the typically some freezing or partial posting.

Following reseating with AS5 I was able to raise the FSB from 1511 to 1578 giving a CPU speed of 3550 which was stable enough for SuperPI 1M and 4M but got an error in Orthos after 4 mins.

In addition there will no failed POST's resulting from a reboot. It wouldn't always POST following a change to the settings however this was always recoverable via a 3 sec press of the reset button. Big improvement.

I noted that the HSF was now very hot so I added a small 40mm fan from a 486 HSF.

This has reduced the temp of the HSF from OW!!! to nicely warm

With the Fan I can run a FSB of 1600 giving 3.6Ghz. Again stable for SuperPI 1M and 4M but only 20sec of Orthos.
Previously I could only get into XP occasionally followed by a near immediate crash. Now it reboots and POST fine.

Overall, seems to be a signficant improvement, though haven't managed to get it over 1600Mhz but maybe it needs a water block.

I've run orthos a at 3550, 3500 and 3450 but this PC seems to have developed a habit of just switching off at the higher OC's or perhaps there are someother settings I need to adjust.

At 3450 it ran for approx 40mins without error before an unplanned reboot.

I'n not sure if this is the CPU or possibly my older PSU as I had the same shutdown issue with an opty 170.

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