**Official** Aion RELEASE Thread

hi got same lvl as you finding it easy to kill mobs ,what armour you wearing and as someone said a good sword and shield helps too

Well I do not find it hard to kill mobs more like VERY slow.. :)
And I was a bit worried that mobs my level would easily get 1/3 hps of me as a tank I though it a bit odd but apparently it's like that.
It changes, dont worry. If you want to be a proper tank type char then go for a 50/50 split of block / hp manastones. You will soon have 3 block reactive skills so block is handy even for doing damage. If you want to kill stuff quicker then a mix of block and crit might be better. If you are a 2 hander only type person then crit + hp.
I bought this on the weekend and am taking it easy

I was pretty well hooked on WoW before I quit at the start of the year so I don't want to get into that situation again

I am levelling a Cleric, currently level 10

Does anyone have any good tips for making money here? what trade goods sell well etc in the auction house? :)
Does anyone have any good tips for making money here? what trade goods sell well etc in the auction house? :)

Common sense would say that it's rare, hard to find items that people actually want will get you a lot of money. If you're selling the same item as a few dozen other people are then you're going to have to undercut if you want people to buy from you. You can only list a maximum of 9 or 10 items to sell at any one time. As soon as one item sells, you can add another. There is also a fee to pay per listing depending on the price you want to sell the item at. Each item is listed for a maximum of 8 days and if it doesn't sell then it goes back to your inventory. The fee you paid to list is not refunded.

Also, it's not really an auction house. It's more a classified ads system, people list each item they want to sell and the price they want to sell it at, hence my mention of needing to undercut above. There is no waiting around and bidding for things, users either buy it at the advertised price or they don't :)
level 35 with 2 million out of 16 milion xp and 3 quests for my level rest are 2+ higher

not really in the mood to grind that much xp :(
On the plus side, the next patch brings in a lot of quest xp boosts, and they are huge boosts. As an example, there is a quest that currently gives 586k xp which after the patch will give 2.1 million xp. Another quest which currently gives 13k xp which after the patch will give 700k xp.

Supposedly there will also be further xp boosts in the next patch after that.

The drawback though I suppose will be for those people who have already levelled high and will have missed out on that extra xp because they've already done the quests.
On the plus side, the next patch brings in a lot of quest xp boosts, and they are huge boosts. As an example, there is a quest that currently gives 586k xp which after the patch will give 2.1 million xp. Another quest which currently gives 13k xp which after the patch will give 700k xp.

Supposedly there will also be further xp boosts in the next patch after that.

The drawback though I suppose will be for those people who have already levelled high and will have missed out on that extra xp because they've already done the quests.

That sounds a bit silly.

Suppose it might encourage people to re-roll for a more needed class.
I think some people do not realize the amount of EXP needed to level after lvl lets say 35. This game is not WoW style, its serious grind in later levels.
I think some people do not realize the amount of EXP needed to level after lvl lets say 35. This game is not WoW style, its serious grind in later levels.

Yup, just like the good old days of Daoc, who can forget the group grinding on the tree or better still the pygmy goblins in Lyonesse. Great times !
Oh yes chain pulling gobbos in daoc for 10 hours straight those were the days mind you people in groups chatted to each other then, something i found missing in wow unless you was with friends.
Anyways only lvl 15 in aion not had much playtime,whats the quickest way to lvl i do quests for my lvl then grind the rest anyone else do this or is it better to just keep doing quests that are 1 or 2 lvls above?
Oh yes chain pulling gobbos in daoc for 10 hours straight those were the days mind you people in groups chatted to each other then, something i found missing in wow unless you was with friends.

Yeah thats what I loved about those gobbo groups, it got people socialising, used to have a right laugh just camping there fighting and chatting. Then the levelling craze took over in MMOs, it became about getting as high a level as quickly as possible, the soloing trend took over...and before you knew it people were levelling in MMOs in silence barely saying a word to anyone except "LFG <insert quest here>" followed immediately by "got to go" the instant the quest was done. Or many times not even saying that and just disbanding the moment the quest was done.

Love getting some of that social group grinding back again, its what the genre is all about imo !
hi is there a guild out there that i can join going be my first guild on aion.

i get on when i can cant help the queue's.

play on spatalos server ( hope i spelt it right ) level 12 elyos glad

name~ visinatrix
On the plus side, the next patch brings in a lot of quest xp boosts, and they are huge boosts. As an example, there is a quest that currently gives 586k xp which after the patch will give 2.1 million xp. Another quest which currently gives 13k xp which after the patch will give 700k xp.

Supposedly there will also be further xp boosts in the next patch after that.

The drawback though I suppose will be for those people who have already levelled high and will have missed out on that extra xp because they've already done the quests.

where did you find that out bud ?

Aion for me is actually great fun grinding mobs for xp, reminds me of all the fun hours i spent grinding out Sharnaf's on my Teras Kasi Monk Wookie !!
where did you find that out bud ?

Aion for me is actually great fun grinding mobs for xp, reminds me of all the fun hours i spent grinding out Sharnaf's on my Teras Kasi Monk Wookie !!

Found it on some korean patch notes for 1.6 patch.

Its not going to be much benefit to the people who are already lvl 40+ because they will have already done the quests, but everyone else will be able to reach higher levels in a shorter amount of played time.
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