**Official** Aion RELEASE Thread

Gratz on 40 mate :)

I see theres the first lvl50s last night and tbh it's not who I thought it would be.
Looks like the KoS guys got beaten this time.
LOL @ The forums tho, the amount of people claiming hacks, bots and account sharing is ridiculous.

Fun Times yesterday too ;)
I got reported yesterday for being a bot! :rolleyes:
Apparantly a Cleric on follow, if you're a tank is bannable according to some idiot in game lol, course Im running 2 accounts lol tanker and healer the most use.

Had a few quick harsh words with him then went back to my farming.
Seems like some in this game have never played an MMO before lol
Are there any other sites with great resources than aion source?

Yeah I'm looking for this as well, somewhere with a decent Theorycrafting forum, similar to how the Elitist Jerks forum was used in the BWL/AQ40 days of WoW (before the user base got too large for it to be useful).
What's the crafters like on your servers?

Having big problems mat wise atm, Fluxes and other parts keep rising in price.
And how do the idiot crafters respond? They lower the price of crafted items to less than it costs to craft, BEFORE any actual materials or items are taken into consideration :rolleyes:
Yeah I'm looking for this as well, somewhere with a decent Theorycrafting forum, similar to how the Elitist Jerks forum was used in the BWL/AQ40 days of WoW (before the user base got too large for it to be useful).

This is what I use:


Decent site!

Also, grinding and end game - for the people that are playing the abyss (which is basically end game correct?) they are claiming that even with fat rigs (we are talking 4870x2 territory and i7 - so not exactly a slouch) 10fps is the norm followed by constant crashes, this is confirmable simply by walking around Pandaemonium, try walking into the artisan areas and then alchemy, when the NPC characters appear things start to slow down and these are NPC's! imagine what it would be like 90vs90 pvp!

Grinding wise, this worries me quite a bit as there are countless posts on the forums complaining of lack of quests at higher levels, starting around 30+ and with xMillion required and mobs that give you 2-5k xp your looking at around 9 hours constant grinding to level (and thats at level 30)!

9 hours of constant grinding of vanilla WoW would have been the norm in the level 55 range, not level 30!

Another problem is class balance, how on earth do you balance classes in a 90vs90 environment?

Not really sure where this game will end up tbh, its an amazing game I really enjoy it but then I'm only level 15.

One thing to consider is that its already been out for a year in Korea yet these issues still remain.
I know this isnt exactly a valid arguement but if you get a SSD then i personally dont get any lag in panadmonium when i walk into said places.. Not exactly a viable workaround for the lag but im sure they will work on the lag in said 90v90 battles.
Also, grinding and end game - for the people that are playing the abyss (which is basically end game correct?) they are claiming that even with fat rigs (we are talking 4870x2 territory and i7 - so not exactly a slouch) 10fps is the norm followed by constant crashes, this is confirmable simply by walking around Pandaemonium, try walking into the artisan areas and then alchemy, when the NPC characters appear things start to slow down and these are NPC's! imagine what it would be like 90vs90 pvp!

Thats most odd, I dont get any lag generally in Pandemonium even in the artisan areas, and I often get involved in skirmishes in Morheim involving maybe 30 or 40 players without any significant drop in fps. I do have Nvidia and I'm aware that there are some issues with ATI and performance in Aion, so maybe thats why I am not suffering from these issues.

Grinding wise, this worries me quite a bit as there are countless posts on the forums complaining of lack of quests at higher levels, starting around 30+ and with xMillion required and mobs that give you 2-5k xp your looking at around 9 hours constant grinding to level (and thats at level 30)!

9 hours of constant grinding of vanilla WoW would have been the norm in the level 55 range, not level 30!

Yup, I've been warning people about the grind for weeks and weeks now. Doesnt bother me in the slightest though as I grinded without quests in Daoc from level 1 to level 50 and of course the greatest MMO of all time (imo) UO didnt have a single quest in it. So I'm used to it, I must admit though it will come as a shock to players who arent used to it. On the plus side, getting a group of your mates together and sitting at a camp of mobs whilst chatting away about stuff and cracking open a few beers has created some of the most hilarious moments in MMOs over the years, great fun and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasnt had the chance to experience that side of things in MMOs.

Another problem is class balance, how on earth do you balance classes in a 90vs90 environment?

Its actually easier to balance classes in large number combat like that because the weaknesses and strengths of classes are less noticeable in larger fights. Lets remember that Daoc (widely regarded as the best large scale PvP MMO to date) had more classes than Aion and on top of that each of the 3 factions in Daoc had different classes instead of identical ones. Still became recognised by many as the best PvP mmo though.
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Gotta say I am absolutely loving this. Gladiator is such a cool class, just got given a big **** off sword :D

This posts deserves the jesus jpg. but what the hell, it's here.
One thing to consider is that its already been out for a year in Korea yet these issues still remain.

I fail to see how this is a bad thing though... it's been out for a year in Korea and still has a large player base, this must mean that it's a game that people want to play. The fact is no one can tell how good it is this close to release.

oh, and how are the queues now on Spatalos? Any better?
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I agree, however a year on and there are still issues with potentially game breaking areas such as fps in pvp, we will soon see anyway as more people level up.

I do love the game, I just got some midnight chain armour last night and it looks damn awesome on screen though I did laugh at the "frost staff" I bought which looked like the staff that used to drop in the scarlet monastary in WoW.

Thing is WoW started very similar to this albeit with more bugs and killing frame rates/discs in instances, the only difference with Aion is lack of instances (in comparison) and more grind which can all relatively easily be fixed (see next patch as referenced above)

I hope they do fully support this game because it has definately got potential.
Hate the way so many people want the grind reduced :(. I'd rather it didn't turn into a generic moderm mmo with easy xp.
I hope they do fully support this game because it has definately got potential.

I'm sure they will with all this new money suddenly flooding in, but it will probably take them some time to actually allocate it and put it to good use in a way the player can see.

I forgot to turn my pc on so i could log on remotely today, joined a 2 hour queue at 18:20.

Bah, oh well, I'm still going for Spatalos if I can, I'd rather play with you guys than attempt to break into some random community.
Hate the way so many people want the grind reduced :(. I'd rather it didn't turn into a generic moderm mmo with easy xp.

I have to kind of agree with this. The much vaunted Aion grind is actually less of a grind than Daoc was.

The thing is, I dont really want too many instances added, and I dont really want too many quests added (unless they are group only ones) and I dont really want levelling to be too quick.

Why you might ask?

Well because then it would pretty much end up as WoW, and the thing is...if I wanted to play WoW, I would play WoW. I like Aion (in part at least) because its different, not because its the same. It reminds me of the MMOs I used to play pre-WoW and I find that very appealing.
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