**Official** Aion RELEASE Thread

Did that today with a group, my first real bit of instance tanking, was fun. Got a nice drop of the blue sheild from the last boss as well which I picked up, lucky.

Hit 28 today, looking for some new quests, I seem to be running out.

head to the camp near the sky temple, plenty plenty there, also about 20 to pick up in the salinitus observation post, morheim desert.
Been playing Aion but also got a Lifetime Account in LOTRO (Come on lifetime cheap as chips!)

Aion has a distinct lack of XP from Quests and Quests so players need to grind. That being said its PVP reminds me of WAR which isnt bad at all!.

Tho I hate to say it will be going back to Lord of the Rings Online 3rd Dec new expansion pack including its scalable instances :)
Hey guys, sorry couldn't find the answer as I'm guessing it's already been asked but... is the collector's edition worth the extra cost for the bonus items? Something about the 40 seconds extra fight time, but that number means absolutely nothing to me when I don't know what the regular flight time is. Also something about a earring, emotes and stat boosts?

Also if I bought the game from Direct2Drive, would I then be able to use the key to register it through Steam?
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Hey guys, sorry couldn't find the answer as I'm guessing it's already been asked but... is the collector's edition worth the extra cost for the bonus items? Something about the 40 seconds extra fight time, but that number means absolutely nothing to me when I don't know what the regular flight time is. Also something about a earring, emotes and stat boosts?

if you plan to PvP the wings are pretty much essential, all the other items are garnish really.. flight is obtained when you 'ascend' at around lvl 9, giving you 60secs of flight.

there is the option to buy new wings at various levels, however the lvl 30 ones with only 30secs additional flight time are 10-12mill kinah iirc :eek:

i bought the D2D version then upgraded to CE on NcSofts store, not sure if the offer is still available.. dont think it can be registered on steam..
if you plan to PvP the wings are pretty much essential, all the other items are garnish really.. flight is obtained when you 'ascend' at around lvl 9, giving you 60secs of flight.

there is the option to buy new wings at various levels, however the lvl 30 ones with only 30secs additional flight time are 10-12mill kinah iirc :eek:

i bought the D2D version then upgraded to CE on NcSofts store, not sure if the offer is still available.. dont think it can be registered on steam..

Thanks mate
Been playing Aion but also got a Lifetime Account in LOTRO (Come on lifetime cheap as chips!)

Aion has a distinct lack of XP from Quests and Quests so players need to grind. That being said its PVP reminds me of WAR which isnt bad at all!.

Tho I hate to say it will be going back to Lord of the Rings Online 3rd Dec new expansion pack including its scalable instances :)

Played LOTRO back in 2006 or whenever it was released, wasent that impressed but then my system back then seriously stuggled with it - whats it like nowadays? might give it a try (I'm trying them all atm to see which one I want to settle on!) now I can actually run it!
Finally got it installed! 11.5GB from Steam servers took... well, lets just say "a while"!

Game is great so far, only level 5 but I love the stuff I've seen like the ability to click the blue links of names and locations in quest information and it'll show you a little map or where it is. Also love that it seems monsters give the same experience regardless of your level, as when I was level 1 monsters were giving me 148 XP and at level 4 they were giving me the same amount. Collecting items from a plant was interesting - some kinda failure bar there and my success bar sometimes crits (?) and I get lots of extra green on the sucess bar.

Couple of downsides that I'm gutted aren't there - such as there appears to be no buffer zone on a spell cast (like in other games such as Warcraft and LOTRO if you start casting a spell on a target in range and they move out of range you might still get the spell off as there is a buffer). Also had to alt+tab and googling some things as they aren't really explained at my level, such as I typed /afk and it shoved me into "Busy" mode, but when I retyped /afk when I came back it didn't seem to cancel it and just re-iterated that I was in "Busy" mode.

Grinding doesn't seem too bad, although if I hear my Priest say "Caaaaabrero!" one more time I might scream :P

Still trying to decide whether to go Chanter or Cleric. I hear Cleric's are kinda overplayed since it's the only real healing class, but they are in high demand as healers always are - but Chanter I find more appealing, but don't want to be stuck unable to get a group if they aren't needed.

Good so far though, better than I was expecting :D
Finally got it installed! 11.5GB from Steam servers took... well, lets just say "a while"!

/snip :D

welcome to Aion then :D

my main class is the Spiritmaster, a perfect class for the solo grinder hehe with various pets that tank and spank whilst i watch tv. I will say that for the first time in an MMo every class ive tested has been fun although i cant for the life of me make any cash to support them all !!!!

PvP is probably the most fun area of which you need to hit lvl 25 before you can go hunting but when you do expect a lot of higher level players to burn you down in seconds, persevere and its cracking fun.

regarding Lotro, i was going to buy the expansion but the game is just adding more raiding/instance stuff and areas that require you have more radiance armour, something that none of my 4 level 60 chars have got .. but the biggest downer is how yet again PvP is totally ignored and is a game breaker for me.
Kind of, you gain Abyss Points by killing / questing in the Abyss. You can spend these points on funky armour and weapons. When you get killed by a player you lose points, the more points you have saved the more points you lose when killed.
The Collector's Edition Upgrade is downloadable for a mere £10 from NCsoft until the end of today, 22nd October.

You will need to also buy the standard edition to play.
But you can buy that from any seller.

The wings will save you a lot of ingame cash.

Edit: Doh!
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