how quick is the character transfer, anyone?
As the chat has reports of Asmo's in Eltan (sp?) I'm guessing ganking is still part of the game.
Which is going to annoy me greatly as I do NOT do PvP in any game.
I played a few characters to lvl40 and subsequently stopped playing due to constant ganking in quest areas by higher levels. It levelling frustrating and even more time consuming. Has this stopped or are lvl50s still free to gank outfield questers?
How is this game pleasing everyone ? I really fancy the look of it but im not convinced i should get another mmo , they take up so much time haha !
I was a massive eve online person at one stage and it took so much of my life away im not sure i wanna take that risk again with another game
there was a game mechanic introduced beards ago that gives the home faction a defense buff, this effectively killed off PvP rifting .
GOOD.. I don't see why someone else should dictate how and when I should be playing.. If I want to quest PvE only.. I shouldn't have to encounter ganking t**ts whilst doing so.
GOOD.. I don't see why someone else should dictate how and when I should be playing.. If I want to quest PvE only.. I shouldn't have to encounter ganking t**ts whilst doing so.
GOOD.. I don't see why someone else should dictate how and when I should be playing.. If I want to quest PvE only.. I shouldn't have to encounter ganking t**ts whilst doing so.
Are there level limitations on rift PvP though? The few times I've been jumped on it always seems to be by someone much higher than me.
I don't mind a fight, but there's no fun in being insta-gibbed with no hope of defending yourself.
Are there level limitations on rift PvP though? The few times I've been jumped on it always seems to be by someone much higher than me.
I don't mind a fight, but there's no fun in being insta-gibbed with no hope of defending yourself.
could have changed but when I played there were level ranges to enter. Not that this is the right one but for example 22-30, 30-35, 30-40 etc.