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*** Official AMD 7990 Owners Thread ***

15 Mar 2012
Santas Grotto
It has been asked for and well I will start one.

Feel free to post your discussions as a AMD 7990 owner here.

I bought one of the Sapphire AMD 7990 the day after OC released them and managed to get the discount at the time 5% or so if I remember, but worked out at £849 from OC. Had some bad problems with overheating which turned out to be 2 of the fans not working. OC were great and a trip to the shop and I was replaced and running.

My findings

  • I found the card to be very long, just fits in my old Antec case.
  • For gaming, the card hardly breaks sweat, but when you push this beast as I do with mining, it runs VERY hot. 90 - 95 on autofans. So during mining I had the fans on 100% and it is fairly loud. Probably quieter than 2x7970's but still quite loud.
  • Mining, I was getting 720kh/s with temps just under 91 and I was not going to push it harder.
  • Now I am under water, I am getting 772 on each core and temps in the low 60's. Soon going to swap case and add more rad space to get that right down and push past the 800kh/s on each core running max of 375watts. Not too bad. But I would not buy this card for mining alone, great if you have one for gaming as well.
  • As for gaming, well every game I run is full IPS 1440 mode with everything maxxed out and no problems, 65 is the highest I have seen on the card air cooled and 50 on water. Again need more rad space.
Bad points I have found are

  • It runs hot when you max each GPU for prolonged periods.
  • When taking apart, the fan connectors are stupidly placed under the cooling pipes and are a pain in the butt to connect back up.
  • Price : Expensive, but it is a prenium product and you pay the price.
  • Support : Only certain O/C software works with the card, ie beta AB that allows voltage change. Even Sapphires own TRIXX doesn't recognise the card
  • Drivers : Setting the voltage is hit and miss and usually requires 2 or 3 attempts with AB. I check with GPUID to ensure it is set.
Is it as fast as 2x7970 - Simple answer is no and not to be expected. Benches I have done are about 10% lower in the OC bench threads, but hey, I knew that would be case and so I was not surprised.

Under air I can get mine O/C to 1130 CPU and 1750 MEM which isn't too bad considering this is across both GPU's on the same card. I have yet to push it under water, but once the new case and rads turn up I will post the results.

Post your names to this thread if you want to be added to the 1st post of 7990 owners and I will update accordingly.

7990 Members

Catanonia 1x AMD Sapphire 7990
JRodaga2k5 1 x AMD 7990
Lerun 1 x AMD Sapphire 7990
Diagro 1 x AMD Sapphire 7990
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Nice, thanks for making the thread mate, I will add some pics and a quick review of mine when it arrives back from RMA.
Mine is one of the older TUL corp design 7990's, Such as the Club3d, Powercolour or VTX3d ones.
Nice, thanks for making the thread mate, I will add some pics and a quick review of mine when it arrives back from RMA.
Mine is one of the older TUL corp design 7990's, Such as the Club3d, Powercolour or VTX3d ones.

Ah, I was persuaded by the forum to get one of them over the Sapphire 7990. I even placed the order to find out that they were out of stock with OCUK.

You know what, I am actually glad that I got the Sapphire one, the VTX ones look HUGE !!!

Interested to see the pics of the card and your benches. Is that the card you got from the bay ?
Yea they are large, The PCB is much taller as well which is a problem which PARVUM are remedying by building me a custom case that's wider by 4cm than the original S1.0 Cases.

From some reviews i had seen the Older ones (when working) Overclock like a beast.
Before i sent it for RMA i found that the master GPU would do 1250/1750 with 1.3v but the second GPU failed even when at stock so it went off for RMA.

We will need to benchmark them at the same clocks to see what difference there is between the two types of card, i think you have slightly different cores on yours.
We will need to benchmark them at the same clocks to see what difference there is between the two types of card, i think you have slightly different cores on yours.

Definately. I have just placed a £230 order for a new case and an additional premium 360 rad for my kit. Will be interesting to see how we compare :)
See the OTT Project Log for my process http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18527391

Now got a 360 and a 240 radiator setup in my new NXZT 810 Switch case and temps have dropped by 10 degrees.

So mining at full whack hours on end at 772kh/s on both GPU's the core temps are 53 max and VRM are 75 max :)

Very very happy. Basically a 15 - 20 % increase in mining power and a 40 degree drop in temperatures compared to air cooling :)
Ok So mine now under water

Soo Its NAKED!

Now its dressed in fine block

And in the system

I attempted a max overclock, Which unfortunately is only 1150/1600, I dont know what i expected but tbh i am happy with that
Here is a Vally benchmark with this clock

Max temps in Kombsuter are 55c on both cores. Not bad i suppose compared to the 98c on stock cooler
Sweet mate and the naked card looks totally different to mine.

Will have to ramp mine up this weekend and post some scores to compare. I feel you may beat me, but 3800 ish sounds feels about right for my score the last time I ran Valley.
Got a pic of yours in the nude?
I think they should perform very much the same. What cpu do you have? My 3770k is @ 4.5Ghz for that run

Im 100% Happy with mine, Its played Metro LL for a few hours with no issue at those speeds now :D
Got a pic of yours in the nude?
I think they should perform very much the same. What cpu do you have? My 3770k is @ 4.5Ghz for that run

Im 100% Happy with mine, Its played Metro LL for a few hours with no issue at those speeds now :D

Any chance of you guys doing a run on the Heaven 4 bench and posting there.
Got a pic of yours in the nude?
I think they should perform very much the same. What cpu do you have? My 3770k is @ 4.5Ghz for that run

Im 100% Happy with mine, Its played Metro LL for a few hours with no issue at those speeds now :D
Unfortunately not, I forgot when stripping it. However it was the same as this stock photo


I am running a 3930 OC /WC to 4.8 and 32 GB 1866 RAM.
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Kaap, i wont be able to submit a heaven 4.0 score. No matter the clocks it causes a crash of my ati drivers. No game or Valley does that so i think it doesn't like my card haha

fixed it
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