*** Official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Thread ***

hi all i've been a bit stingy with this and havn't entered my VIP code yet. Is it worth doing? what extras do I get if I put it in?

You can pay for the Specact (i think that's what they are called) its just different skins (for 1 gun in each class) and a few extra achievement's. Not sure if it was worth it now. When I got it one of the guns was more powerful but they have made them all the same now.
I read somewhere that in the US there was some kind of promotion to get that DLC through Dr. Pepper, which is why so many people seem to have it. However, it wasn't offered here, so they just have it as DLC you can buy.

Which is why it strikes me as not even remotely worth buying.
Hmm same here :mad:

If I go on weapons and gadgets from the main menu it still shows them all, but it says my rank is nothing and that I have no scores on 'my stats' :(

Edit: Just quit game and restarted and everything is back to normal. Try it.
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So people are still playing online? Ok then I might go and buy it today. Seen it for £30 highstreet.

Was fairly popular last night although the team balancing was woeful at times. It's a lot of fun although anger levels may go through the roof until you start to rank up and get some decent weapons.
Ok so i've been online for about 2 hours or so


I always seem to have sniper when defending and assault rifle when attacking. Really really enjoying it, however I am useless in any vehicle lol

Much better than KZ2 or MW2 online
yeah suddenly noticed everything re-appear. phew.

This happens occasionally. Just play one level and once your score updates it normally gives all your weapons back.

I have bronzed all the weapons including all vehicles. Just got the 100/200 knife kills to do. I am on 96. The landmine kills, which i am only on 46 and 46 more shot gun kills. Then that's it for all pins and insignias.

Still really enjoying the game
I really don't know whether to get the new COD or stick with this. I'm still loving this game but the new COD looks oh so tempting.
I really don't know whether to get the new COD or stick with this. I'm still loving this game but the new COD looks oh so tempting.

It will just be another case of spawn, shoot a person in 3 shots, get shot in 2 seconds, respawn and repeat.

Hated cod for that.

Yh especially MW2 where a lot of maps are smaller than my garden...and I don't really have a big garden :rolleyes:

I find BC2 has a lot more opportunity for variety and tactics, whereas MW2 you can only really do the same things over and over to get the job done. :o
Yh especially MW2 where a lot of maps are smaller than my garden...and I don't really have a big garden :rolleyes:

I find BC2 has a lot more opportunity for variety and tactics, whereas MW2 you can only really do the same things over and over to get the job done. :o

Well, 1 of millions of examples of why BC2 is a million times better in my opinion.

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