From Gordon van Dyke's Battlefield blog-
The "soldier" area referred to brings up a 404 error. I think a bunch of monkeys could have done better. After all, they have written Hamlet which is widely regarded as a fine piece of work.
Veteran Update 2: We're looking into expanding the auto-check for Heroes, for those players who are having problems with Heroes being detected.
Veteran Update: Too many users tried to entitle BF2+xpacs at once and overloaded that system. The adding of BF2+expacs is now suspended until a solution can be found. Please be patient as your BC2 Vet reward will still be waiting for you.
How do I get my Veteran Reward in BC2?
You go to the BC2 website, login the site then click on "Soldier" in the main menu.
In your "Soldier" page, click on the Veteran link. BC2 should automatically appear. You will need TWO battlefield games for the Veteran reward!
Note: The CD Key games won't work and 1943 (still) doesn't detect all the time. We are working on those two items.
The "soldier" area referred to brings up a 404 error. I think a bunch of monkeys could have done better. After all, they have written Hamlet which is widely regarded as a fine piece of work.