Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
Cheers fellas - some good all round tips there, I'll give them a go tonight.

You guys that play engineer, do you find yourself equipping Anti-tank mines or RPG's? The RPG you start with isnt the best at taking out tanks, ok against helicopters though and the Bradley.

Also what gun do you use? I'm level 3 (I know - only got it saturday afternoon) and still find the starting gun by far the best of the unlocked ones so far.
I have just got the third gun for the engy unlocked and it is far FAR better then the rest.

Can't remember what it's called though. XMG something or other?
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Cheers fellas - some good all round tips there, I'll give them a go tonight.

You guys that play engineer, do you find yourself equipping Anti-tank mines or RPG's? The RPG you start with isnt the best at taking out tanks, ok against helicopters though and the Bradley.

Also what gun do you use? I'm level 3 (I know - only got it saturday afternoon) and still find the starting gun by far the best of the unlocked ones so far.

Depends on the map really, if I know theres choke points that vehicles have to go through I would use mines to cover it, otherwise I just use a launcher... oh and more people use tracer pistol plx :p
Depends on the map really, if I know theres choke points that vehicles have to go through I would use mines to cover it, otherwise I just use a launcher... oh and more people use tracer pistol plx :p

Agreed.. Pointless using it urself as the time taken to hit the dart on target u may as well have fired a bloody missile :)
What does the "spot" gadget actually do?

I've had it on my sniper rifle and expected it to auto-spot anything in the scope. Reading the blurb suggests it reports spots to your squad but I was under the impression pressing "Q" did that anyway?
I tend to use the rpg, gustav more than the mines as you can get kills with them other than with mines, unless u can shoot ur own and blow them up when the enemy are running past them?

Npt sure but someone said something about repairing mcomms? i dont think thats possible is it?

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